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My CEO, My Temptation

Chapter 3 The Other Brother

Word Count: 1665    |    Released on: 31/08/2021


in my bed and the nightmare c

n my pajamas, and that was how that night I went to bed

e old e

en woke up with a panic attack. My heart was beating so fast and the deafe

g, though I know it was too late to get back to the office. But I panicked looking at the dark c

e?" the security guard asked as he saw me

I need to finish a presentat

smiled politely a

ding my blanket on the sofa, locked my door and closed my blinds

es but when it's not I had made peace with the situation. I take what I can get and never complain, I never fe

getting thinner, my skin was getting


, I was still wearing yesterday's clothes when

jacket I just got them from the cleaners this morning. You don't

, thanks

brushing my teeth and washing my face. It took me less than ten minutes to p

ments in my work purse, thankfully the lawyers' office is in the

The meeting ended an hour later, the signing was done. My dad's company was offic

en the fine-looking CEO was to my s

yesterday, tell me you didn't

ep in your of

feel to my nerves and I was not liking

ice next to mine, I will need your a

g on the inside while thinking I woul

if you sleep

e working for you and do my best. Sometimes I will pull an all

" His words were cold, distant, and very authoritative it was makin

ht to the coffee counte

out of nowhere, my mind was somewhere else and she made

quickly took my hand and put

dn't sleep well, didn't you? another nightmare?

st in a while and the tension was building ins

just that I don't li


re hug and it always comforts me in s

s is a private break room. Ma

e always uses whenever there's a cute guy within five meters radius. An

I'm sorry. It won

o beautiful ladies from hugging and expressi

y Richardson is currently the hits among the ladies but can crush his business oppo

s Kayleigh, my assistant. I d

Kayleigh follows but then excused hersel

s going to my office to make

ortable around him instantly. I didn't know how, bu

r not being in the meeting. So here I am. Please accept my apology." He put his hands together and do a

you smile more, some looked

m to my office when Kayleigh smiled at

e your hand, it

be f

had w

im to take a seat and explain to him what happened in th

r your operational side and will mostly be here, we'll be exc

ing to the office space next to his.

e the good guys, we'll t

incerely, and I truly believe tha

g efficiently and made me pull out all t

move to his office. The office which was located in the exclusive busine

unch. My treat, still part of my

t Tyler there and he did not look pleased to see m

een grouchy since the f

whispered the words loud enough for his brother t

brother. Larry, how are you

out work when I'm having lunch

siness lunch where we discussed and set up a schedule for an introductory meeting with the top

, I'll set you up with a company car and driver," Tyler said befo

l see you back at home." He nodded to his brother and smile

d back to the office? I'm feeling r

, while in my mind I was thinking that


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