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The First Female Alpha

The First Female Alpha


Chapter 1 The News

Word Count: 1620    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

’s P

rms below his chin and gave me one of his not-so-innocen

my eyebrows at the twenty nine year old man who had recently fou

do.” Salim pointed out. “Your pack has extended up to four hundred wolves and an Alpha alone cannot manage everything on

me is right. Thank you for inviting me to your Mating Ceremony, Salim, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to m

With that I disconnected

t and also that there is a growing sense of unrest deep inside, an unrest that only a Luna can solve, but I just cannot afford to choose just anyone as my mate. My Luna had to be

lf might not even acknowledge her. Both wolf's have to 'approve' of one another to become true mates. Wolves are almost always paired with wolves, and that theory is applicable with all kinds of shifters. Nature seems to like k

in size, we made up with our fierce strength and speed. I especially make sure every member of my pack is well trained both physically and mentally. Being desert wolves we were na

brink of the Wahiba Sands. The place is called 'Jever' whi

Came the voice of my Seco

esk as he came inside my office and se

and dark brown eyes. His hair was longer compared to my military cut a

low in my throat, the sound

g smirk, "Poor boss got the

g thirty two and that was hardly like being a teenager in werewolf terms. I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and all this talk about getting a Luna was only fu

uld take care of the pack for me, look after my wolves and nurture them, but most importantly, I needed someone with a spark, a fire that was challenging. Yes, challenge. That was exactly what I needed. Someone who woul

I asked him about the packmates who were under Zyane's command as soldiers. I need

, "Woman’s a pain in the ass but she’s also a damn good soldier. Mehul is out with Eric to finalize the construct

the Alpha and we had grown up together, thick as thieves since childhood. Nothing had been able to separate us and since we’ve known each other since so long, we’ve co

e, because it wasn't often that the two of the most notorious packs wanted a video conference, much less together. Don’t get me wrong, they were t

oulders tensing. This

so that I was facing the screen directly. After adjusting the webcam and sound devices he proceeded to make the

rful, dominant male wolves and they were also the only two packs present in China. Separately, their packs didn’t come close to my strength, but if they ever joined forces, they will become the strong

n as I possibly could. Part from being power hungry and cunning, these two also loved to bicker

ly big man whores and the competition between them was endless. But they u

some news to share…"

definitely not going

border, to make sure there are no rouges

ed in your mission?” My temper rose at the thought. We have enough roughs

m, "We had reports of a few wolf sightings i

usually found in the southern or Lesser Himala

ink so we would know what they found, but…" Aiden said and then, "…but out of the eight wolves t

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