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Prometheion: I'm Dating Hermes!

Chapter 3 Agalia at Sea

Word Count: 1779    |    Released on: 14/09/2021

f in a seaside motel, out at the stormy sea. My mother,

of Nantucket summers, where he used to

her coaxed. Her eyes

screamed as she tossed me into the water. The ocean caught

I spread my

"It's your

s emerged from the kitchen, pizza box in hand.

y the worst situations c

find Hesione. Isn't Lethe

brewing storm. "The riddle revealed itself to you tonight. That means we have unti

is she i

econd time, your mother followed him. She fought Zeus barehanded. He dared

s. So he gave Hesione to the Furies and their forceful persuasion,"

ed Zeus' reign. And in the madness, Hesione escaped. She dove into the Lethe and forgot every memory


n, it's never found. No. The fact he and your mother stayed hi

born. 'Your daughter is the key to Olympus' salvation,′ they prophesied. 'Like Zeus sh

" he said. "When the time comes, she'll need you." I've been watching over you ever since. Kind of like

you pop into

me's come for y


say this without sounding like a lunatic? We


prometheion. When your father was bound, his blood fell into barren Scyt

s that have t

tency of his lineage." He took my hand. "All of his children, at this poi


Even Cerberus couldn't track you." He folded my hand, placing it in my lap. "Our hold on Eart


sweetheart. C'mon!" he beckoned, whizzing to the porc

ith coarse sand and sea glass. Herm

waves. "C'mon. You know you

deniable draw had me racing after the messenger god.

Not a drop clung to me - only the caress of the ocean. He


ned. "Only

smiled brilliantly, skin tanned and wrinkled like a fisherman. He had a c

e whispered. "H

ou died thirte

middle of the sea as casually as if he

ller than

have your mother's face, and your father's ey

in the air. "St

to come. And your dear gran's been even worse. She has just the room for you." He drove a golde

ped. The waves carried m

ent?" I muttered. "Oh gr

ir white marble table, jaw wide open as I took in the opulent yet homey decor. My grandmother –

a's beautiful, thick bla

ng head. "But love, I ca

ome as you were in the Golden Age. Isn't that right, He

eautiful, wonderful people. Beautiful, wonderful lobster." He lost himself to the food. "And Aggie's t


"You'd be lucky to do half as well, Hermes, once you finally settle down. Imagine, legi

ses, girls. It's all the same. I'm the

ld windbag, Hermes. Age creeps up on you. Cronus flie

ed Aphrodite falli

t, under grandma's glare. "That'

I said. "Wh

dness aside, we don't have much time. You must descend with the dawn. As the goddess of

s Psychopompous, the guide to the underworld,

ther jacket and combat boots. "This is what I wear when I go out clubbing. Hades. Clubs. Same thing." He snapped

e an industri

s Percy do whatever she

chitons anymore." He smoked his pipe. "Hermes, k

ow I'm wort

ere's a spring in Hades, Aggie. Mn

incess turn pink with envy. Hermes accompanied me, sitting down i

er the Lightbringer's creations grow powerful enough to usurp the gods? That flame, Aggie, that he stole from heaven.

stole from Zeus is s

Did your father tell

. Something

y. "'Wisdom is the

pered. My stomach sunk. "That's what dad us

the sea. "A time came for

throat. "I- it can't

ger things have happened. We change form all the t

if so, the heart of Olympus is dying." He searched for a comfortable position. "The Dodekatheon's flame is dying, no matter h

ve my own life. It may be small, and

the flame." The olive oil candles sputtered and died. The ro

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