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The Dragon King's Bride

Chapter 4 The Prince of the Black Mountain

Word Count: 840    |    Released on: 14/09/2021

k me to the top of Weirwood Mountain, where his bejeweled obs

once felled a roc with using a bow from Merlin!" I gasped, eight year old joy overflowing like hon

ut to shade me, and Beira handed out ham and chard croq

irts of Wedgewood where witches abode. Look closely, Jackie. Tell me, what w

a dragon than my father is a king. I should not think Iphigenia deserved to have her maidenhood

e. All around us, invisible servants tended to orchards, graineries, gardens of fruit and vegetables

s the enemy, little

the Callieach froze children's toes, stole babes from their bed, and that once, there was a great sorcerer of the Black Mountain of the

ed a know

said. "But that is a tale for another time, young Jackie.

I asked,



tonight if you grace my cheek with a sacrifice. And I promise

ried up in my brown leather shoes, and

wed red hot. I was pushed back by a gentle, cradling gust of w

t brown hair, sorrel spice eyes, swarthy skin, freckles, and a golden glow to his cheeks. He was tall and l

a man!"

his longshirt, off-black trousers with brown seams, and leather boots. A gold torc wit

thirteen in the face, all skinny and bushy eyed. Where is your muscle, your mi

red. "What,

ok like

d stinking, and thinking of village girls. Most served as lower co

d. "I have twelve brothers. You

wings, and gold scales on the apex of his cheeks. He burped up s

l we do no

pulled out a tiny blue bow, with peacock fle

nt, kill neer'do'wells, and g

r dinner, and some wild dandelion greens. Go ea

prince. She

d Ethan – once dragon, now a bit dragon, a


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