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The Devil and I

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 431    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

ris was off somewhere with his friends ones Lousie chose not to ge

date her no mater what, but in the back of her head she still had doubts.maybe it was just a one night thing now he’d seen the real her it had discussed him that much he no longe

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anything to

s.’ She

ou and he means everything he

s.’ She

et’s get t


heading back in to their

y S

bounced toward

ed you

that hard

re dealing with I went to look for you but it was too la

n’t k

up with Louis so w

other your hou

re , so I guess we

’ll have to w

d lacing his fin


okay i

u sure

ay. ‘I already told you I don’t care what people think I want you


me on let’s ge

th walk

a passionate kiss. He mov

we should leav

ust need time alone to


n let’s get b


y walked away fro

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