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Lovely Not Delilah

Chapter 5 In The Deep

Word Count: 1694    |    Released on: 19/09/2021


all was drawn to a clinking g

the deck-like stairway, spreading his arms like a bird bask

f something that actually makes a difference. The story of this town is a young one, built-in passion and heart and it's lives on through our acts towards the little ones. My door will a

d gesture to cease the cheer, "I too remember what it's

ie snickered making the bun

let your donations be as big as your heart, enjoy!" he finished flashing a flamboyant smirk and hurried down, in a mix with the crowd. Echoing applauds followed sharply with smiles and chatters

Lovely was trenched in the charm of the afternoon like most but was perplexed when she caught a glimpse of her uncle walking alongside Mr. Ortega with his

ed, interrupting her thoughts. She had faintly noticed when the children's singing had now bee

s it's calm," A burne

o the side lawn maneuvering throug

? Lemme guess, this place i


ame with Ashley and I didn't tel

I can drop you home afterwards. That

to his allure other than reason. She strapped in h

ang thickly covering his forehead, his profile was so clear-cut as his eyes

had noticed her reoccurring stares and this made him smirk. Lovely sharply turned

es, they swayed away from a tarred road and took a path with canopy-like overhanging t

as the noon sun shone against its rippling surface. Lovely stared speechless and astounded, it was such a bewilderi

their bare feet and striking

guessed," she purred, st

sed w

nd closed her eyes as her face basked in the su

t's go fo

ming a little startled," huh?

towards some rowboats on the bank of the

se old things." She echoed, her fingers above her lip

t waste any tim

not?" he

ates?" she emphasized but only in h

ater scare you?" He grinn

!" she pouted.

ng towards the boats with Charlie's elated mood making her not

nk now. It was so still and only the sound of the rowing

propose or anything," Charlie cackled,

rcastically and laughed because they were being ridiculous. She had been

e middle of waters face

h your beauty and it still wouldn't come close, "

tarted leaning forwards as if reading her thoughts and her heart leaped. She could no longer act coy to his advance. They leaned closer, rocking the boat slightly. He put his hand upon her cheeks and she felt his lips come down on hers, gently. Her lips part under his and she was drowning in throbbing waves of sweet strange desire. He broke the ki

waters and emerged briefly, laughing at each o

lie laughed, stroking again

events would have been if one of

ity was a lot different from that in Willcox and nothing about the little bit of romance they had ea

t and squeezing his trenched T-shirt with his back facing lovely who wa

dowy waters. Charlie was startled by this, leaning low to the edge of the boat, trying to catch a glimpse of lovely. After a co

less, only the pounding in his chest and the cool breeze ruffling the tree leaves could he hear. Charlie stood

the side of the boat and

a scare. Are you alright?" He sn

ll gasping for air as her eyes darted a

cated whisper, her chest growing

down there," her

and tensed to the point of shaking, hor

e at her pale face puzzled, s

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