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Between the Ropes

Chapter 3 .

Word Count: 1854    |    Released on: 11/10/2021

ned up last week?” Jacob asked while sitting down in the

like a male model who should be on a cognac liquor advertisement. Women still flocked to him, even though his wrestling heyday was getting a little behind him. Now in his late-fifties, he wa

a father figure and took a liking to him when he came in as a rookie. Jacob saw potential in Gage that n

e of wealth and opulence. Behind all the glitz and glam, Jacob Justice was a kindhearted soul that few had the privilege to witness. Most people thought of him as a ruthless womanizer. Gage

d him to be an entrepreneur. How to book movies, invest his money, and be charitable by giving back to t

ng the arm of the girl on his lap, while another sat beh

ing on about? Are you thinking about add

moke over his lips while a flighty

and Cyrus. Their younger cousin or something like that. I saw her in the ring the other day, training with Wraith.

the girl on

ab us another drink and somethin

an that family gene pool produce something hot? Cyrus looks like someone hit him with an ugly stick with that bushy beard of his. He look

got the same handsome looks his older brother and sister inherited, but he hid the scars that lined the side of his face. What he lacked in looks, he ga

taught her well. I’ve never seen anything like it with a female wrestler. I talked to Cyrus, and she doesn’t think she’s good. In my opinion, she is one of the best workers arou

d, bu

is girl. The Justice team having a girl may be

rties all the time would make things weird? For her, anyway. It would cut down on our action if some chick i

have any problem with what we have going on here. She’s a real sex kitten in the indie scene. Cyrus said she used to be a troublemaker, hitting the clubs all the time. She slowed

over her profile pic from Facebook. “I mi

sexier images from modeling while licking his lips.

o break up the sausage fest we have going on here,” he pointed out while t

wn who her cousins are, you would be on her like white-

over to join them. “What ya looking at?”

would never believe

member of Justice if the big man agrees to

eyes. “She’s C

fit in with us perfectly.” Nick forwarded her photo to his phone like a horny teenager. The short sandy blond-ha

en’t agreed to shit. So, don’t get

aican man with light grey eyes and beautiful dark skin made the women fall at his feet for

was at an autograph signing with us in New Jersey last summer. Some creepy dude was harassing her, and Wraith flipped out and beat his ass

side about it. “I’m discussing with Gage

. She and her cousin Holly beat every girl there and three big ass dudes. Holly is a

e is a firebreather or something. She gets in a lot of trouble. Wraith can’t

big cash prize they were giving out, and it pissed off the guys at the event because she’s so tiny. They got their ass served

d have my back on this. Really, guy


n Justice is trouble.” Gage ran his fingers through his long, dark bl

orth it. Oh damn. Look at this pic! She’s a bikini model or something. I need

are you, twelve?” The older and wiser of the tag team duo smacked Nick i

mes I need some inspiration for my alone time.” Nick just

t it. Since Jacob mentioned he talked with Davis about her, I probably won’t hav

ad and looked away.

So much for having a choice in the matter. If this girl gets in my way

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1 Chapter 1 Sharpshooter: Gage and Isis2 Chapter 2 .3 Chapter 3 .4 Chapter 4 .5 Chapter 5 .6 Chapter 6 .7 Chapter 7 .8 Chapter 8 .9 Chapter 9 .10 Chapter 10 .11 Chapter 11 .12 Chapter 12 .13 Chapter 13 .14 Chapter 14 .15 Chapter 15 .16 Chapter 16 .17 Chapter 17 .18 Chapter 18 .19 Chapter 19 .20 Chapter 20 .21 Chapter 21 .22 Chapter 22 .23 Chapter 23 .24 Chapter 24 .25 Chapter 25 .26 Chapter 26 .27 Chapter 27 .28 Chapter 28 .29 Chapter 29 .30 Chapter 30 .31 Chapter 31 .32 Chapter 32 .33 Chapter 33 .34 Chapter 34 .35 Chapter 35 .36 Chapter 36 .37 Chapter 37 .38 Chapter 38 .39 Chapter 39 .40 Chapter 40 .41 Chapter 41 .42 Chapter 42 .43 Chapter 43 .44 Chapter 44 .45 Chapter 45 .46 Chapter 46 .47 Chapter 47 .48 Chapter 48 .49 Chapter 49 .50 Chapter 50 .51 Chapter 51 . Lariet52 Chapter 52 .53 Chapter 53 .54 Chapter 54 .55 Chapter 55 .56 Chapter 56 .57 Chapter 57 .58 Chapter 58 .59 Chapter 59 .60 Chapter 60 .61 Chapter 61 .62 Chapter 62 .63 Chapter 63 .64 Chapter 64 .65 Chapter 65 .66 Chapter 66 .67 Chapter 67 .68 Chapter 68 .69 Chapter 69 .70 Chapter 70 .71 Chapter 71 .72 Chapter 72 .73 Chapter 73 .74 Chapter 74 .75 Chapter 75 .76 Chapter 76 .77 Chapter 77 .78 Chapter 78 .79 Chapter 79 .80 Chapter 80 .81 Chapter 81 .82 Chapter 82 .83 Chapter 83 .84 Chapter 84 .85 Chapter 85 .86 Chapter 86 .87 Chapter 87 .88 Chapter 88 .89 Chapter 89 .90 Chapter 90 .91 Chapter 91 .92 Chapter 92 . Powerbomb93 Chapter 93 .94 Chapter 94 .95 Chapter 95 .96 Chapter 96 .97 Chapter 97 .98 Chapter 98 .99 Chapter 99 .100 Chapter 100 .