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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne


Chapter 1 Marked

Word Count: 1285    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

ushed towards him, their cheeks flushed from the cold night air. As the Head of Servants' at the Golden Palace, they all looke

t yet. We'v

as if she were about to faint. "Then what are y

me other packs with the massive army were trying to conquer Royal House Arnold, the only way to

that all the royalty members have to attend the wedding on time, including Prince Dan

of Royal House Arnold, Prince

. Mr. Carson sighed heavily. Sweat slowly dripped down the back of his neck. He wiped his palms on his trous

e crown prince Martin Arnold and his Lady Grace Reilly were busy enjo

a single soul came close to her beauty, werewolf or human, they simply couldn't compare. House Reilly shared half the

amilies merge - which made each passing second without Prince

ed happy enough, whispering in his lady's ear as drinks were set in front of them. The rest of the party

uld be left alone with the blame if the prince didn't show up. The sky darkened horribly since their

ned from the door. The color drained from their faces as he neared them. "Find Prince William right


t outside of the palace grounds.She was quite literally a slave to all those higher up than her. Free

servants with the party, but she allowed her mind to wa

he party and was free to come and go as she pleased. She couldn't imagine herself ever com

. It wouldn't be wise to be caught out here, she wasn't a

s froze from the noise. It sounded as if it echoed all

when he whispered behind her, she moved too slow to prevent the man from

uggled beneath him and tried to push the man off.His grip was strong and rough as he pinned both her wrists above her h

leaving her almost bare in her undergarments. She struggled uselessly against his hold,

r shifted. She never heard her wolf's voice like other werewolves could. So there wa s n

h latch onto her neck. He bit down with no hesitation, as if h

the mark he just made upon her skin almost tend

e trailed his lips down her neck, only sto

quickened, she saw him tilt his head towards her in the d

r breasts where his mouth wasn't

e her own reaction to a man that attacked her. She didn't realize her body

towards his touches—her body just wasn't listening to her mind. The sha

ed beneath her skin. The man leaned up to whisper in her ear the same word he

e, I'm

He stood, and for the first time she saw the moonlight shine on h

oices shouted. The atta

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1 Chapter 1 Marked2 Chapter 2 Wedding3 Chapter 3 Find the girl4 Chapter 4 How dare you5 Chapter 5 Prince William is searching for the girl 6 Chapter 6 Doris, was it you 7 Chapter 7 (Doris POV) – Could it be a mistake 8 Chapter 8 (Doris' POV) – Our love for books9 Chapter 9 (Doris) – Why me 10 Chapter 10 (Doris POV) – New role as handmaiden11 Chapter 11 (Doris POV) – This is an order!12 Chapter 12 (Doris) – Thank you for coming to see me13 Chapter 13 (William's POV) – A night of passion14 Chapter 14 (Doris) – He called her his mate15 Chapter 15 (William's POV) - She's the one!16 Chapter 16 (Doris) – I want nothing to do with you.17 Chapter 17 (William's POV) – Burned and Broken18 Chapter 18 (Doris' POV) – The New Guard19 Chapter 19 (Doris) What did she do to him 20 Chapter 20 (Doris' POV) – This is what she wanted21 Chapter 21 (Doris) – You have disrespected me for the last time22 Chapter 22 (William's POV) – Who's going to help me 23 Chapter 23 (Doris) – The way he looks at you24 Chapter 24 (William's POV) - Something about him I recognized25 Chapter 25 (Doris) – I killed her26 Chapter 26 (Doris) – It must have been the maid27 Chapter 27 (Doris)) – Prince William was in charge of my fate 28 Chapter 28 (Doris) – You should have confessed29 Chapter 29 (Doris) – About damn time30 Chapter 30 (Doris) – William will figure it out31 Chapter 31 (Doris) – Doris is mine to deal with32 Chapter 32 (Doris) – Allow me to go to the North33 Chapter 33 (William) – Just call me Daniel34 Chapter 34 (Doris) – They haven't found me innocent yet35 Chapter 35 (Doris) – I'm here on behalf of Prince William36 Chapter 36 (Doris) – Just go to sleep37 Chapter 37 (Doris) – Doris is coming with me38 Chapter 38 (Doris' POV) - You are the first39 Chapter 39 (Doris) – Don't keep me waiting40 Chapter 40 I might never be free41 Chapter 41 Be safe, my friend.42 Chapter 42 Stay down43 Chapter 43 It’s been torn apart44 Chapter 44 Luna Queen is behind all this, isn’t she 45 Chapter 45 They were heard nearby46 Chapter 46 What was that 47 Chapter 47 We got a pretty one here48 Chapter 48 We’re just getting started.49 Chapter 49 Let’s have some fun.50 Chapter 50 I’m the leader of the rogues.51 Chapter 51 You’d really just let me go 52 Chapter 52 You’re safe here, Doris.53 Chapter 53 You could be free here. 54 Chapter 54 You’ve opened my eyes. 55 Chapter 55 A full moon. 56 Chapter 56 Gather the boys57 Chapter 57 Tonight will be the end of their rebellion towards me.58 Chapter 58 It won’t be a pretty sight when they return.59 Chapter 59 It was chaos60 Chapter 60 I don’t know how much more my body can take. 61 Chapter 61 I wouldn’t be able to if I tried.62 Chapter 62 I’m going to save her. 63 Chapter 63 The hell you’re about to see.64 Chapter 64 I think it’s time you get out of this room.65 Chapter 65 No one is allowed to touch you but me.66 Chapter 66 He’ll have to trust me. 67 Chapter 67 A bit of gossip.68 Chapter 68 You’ll be my wife, then.69 Chapter 69 He’ll kill for it anyway70 Chapter 70 Did you think I wouldn’t find you 71 Chapter 71 You can pretend you’re married a little longer.72 Chapter 72 I won’t tell if you won’t.73 Chapter 73 When were you going to tell me you were lovers 74 Chapter 74 You’re done.75 Chapter 75 I’m going to be the next king. 76 Chapter 76 I think we’re lost.77 Chapter 77 The worst of the storm is still coming. 78 Chapter 78 If we don’t hurry, we’ll catch another storm. 79 Chapter 79 She was naked on top of William80 Chapter 80 There’s always a bit of danger in a promise, isn’t there 81 Chapter 81 I think I got it.82 Chapter 82 I would kill anyone that tried to take our freedom.83 Chapter 83 Why do I feel this will go terribly 84 Chapter 84 At least you finally found a way to make yourself useful. 85 Chapter 85 Not meant for those who want nothing to do with their kingdom. 86 Chapter 86 They wanted to kill you. 87 Chapter 87 Will you stay with me tonight 88 Chapter 88 Only a fool would let love go to waste.89 Chapter 89 Is this what you want 90 Chapter 90 Don’t remind me of reality just yet. 91 Chapter 91 This could go wrong.92 Chapter 92 I don’t trust anyone here.93 Chapter 93 All that gossip.94 Chapter 94 I think they want a show.95 Chapter 95 I guess we will have to see.96 Chapter 96 I think we should raid the camp to find him ourselves. 97 Chapter 97 Better than I imagined98 Chapter 98 I hope we cross paths again in the future. 99 Chapter 99 They’re coming. 100 Chapter 100 I’ve got you now.