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I Still Hate You

Chapter 4 You don't like him, do you

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 21/10/2021


was this scrawny little kid who looked so frail that I thought I could break him i

o each other like glue, and I was happy.

made my shitty life a little

e freshmen year in high school. His consta

It wasn't me who was both

ss I fit certain criteria when I became the quarterback and attracted beautiful

er eyes on me. When she came up to me, swinging her hair in her

. I became the most popular guy in

't talk much anymore despite all his efforts. I was always busy with fo

ying to hang around you?"

?" I was

Is he gay for you or som

is alright," I tried to

s a total faggot. And he

hat way. My heart suddenly hammered against my ches

ck...that's hilarious. You a fucking

would abandon me. I'll be ridiculed instead of praised. This town was tiny, and thes

re the bruises on my face and body

him. I'm dating a girl, remember

't you all buddy buddy with him before? Tell me, Ethan, did you to did the dirty w

collar and g

saying these things," I

rove that he means nothing to you," Brian said. His

I was by dating girls after girls and, m

e. Teasing him. Calling him names, but then things

g gaze on me, and despite my cruel treatments, they weren't

punish him. Again and again, and he loved me until the end. That dre

beat the only person who'd accept the real me. Each blow I landed on his face felt

ittle bitch they usually called him. I told him I was sorry. But he didn't hear me. Even if he did, he would've neve


pile of resumes, I knew it had to be h

anxiously waited to meet him all day. And when I finally saw him with my assis

n and muscular frame. His face was slightly fuller but still had those adorable dimples when he smiled. I

asant. He looked at me with intense hatred, and

isn't going to be anything different. I'll spend

up on you yet. I will win you back

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 Long time no see3 Chapter 3 Aging like a fine wine4 Chapter 4 You don't like him, do you 5 Chapter 5 It's my turn to pleasure you6 Chapter 6 Isn't this a form of sexual harassment 7 Chapter 7 What happened last night 8 Chapter 8 The more, the merrier9 Chapter 9 Am I still hot 10 Chapter 10 Maybe I just like YOU11 Chapter 11 Oh, so we are playing hard to get again 12 Chapter 12 Eh, it's complicated13 Chapter 13 What secrets does Ethan have 14 Chapter 14 Oh, so this is priceless15 Chapter 15 Keep calm, Corey, don't get turned on16 Chapter 16 I'm not your sex slave17 Chapter 17 Am I turning you on 18 Chapter 18 What are you doing here 19 Chapter 19 Are you threatening me 20 Chapter 20 What a cute butt21 Chapter 21 Of course you missed me22 Chapter 22 Your left eye twitches when you lie23 Chapter 23 Where is he 24 Chapter 24 I know who took him25 Chapter 25 We meet again26 Chapter 26 He could be my toy27 Chapter 27 Don't fuck with me, Blondie28 Chapter 28 Take your clothes off29 Chapter 29 Don't tell me to calm down!30 Chapter 30 Shh...go to sleep31 Chapter 31 Straight into the Shark's mouth32 Chapter 32 Welcome home, sir33 Chapter 33 Make me feel good34 Chapter 34 Little birdie decided to fly35 Chapter 35 You like playing games, don't you 36 Chapter 36 You're feeling it too37 Chapter 37 I want him38 Chapter 38 One last time39 Chapter 39 Got expensive taste, huh 40 Chapter 40 So are we supposed to hug or something 41 Chapter 41 Oh great...more family drama. 42 Chapter 42 Go home, Corey. 43 Chapter 43 I'm never letting you go again44 Chapter 44 Patience, my love.45 Chapter 45 I trust you46 Chapter 46 Epilogue