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Sourabha Rajyam - The land Where Women Don't Matter

Chapter 4 Changes

Word Count: 1326    |    Released on: 23/10/2021

at they were announcing the arrival of the emperor. As happens with Royalty, especially the head of a state, the Emperor’s Bodyguard had taken

p Commandos or the SPG for short. It looked more like a military bar

as a bullet proof area with plainclothes officers sitting all around in case something unexpected happened.

the emperor. No one could guess what the arrangements were. For a layman it would appear normal but the

His Highness Ugra Vasantha Raya. Today, ...........” Srilatha tuned out yet another boring spe

It had been very irritating but the Royal Guard were taking no chances. They had practiced every possibl

, they had been given half a day off to relax. That had bee

o hours to go before her name would be called. The University toppers would be awarded by the emperor first and then

the day she had received

felt her mother’s forehead. “Mom, are you alright? Shall I stay at home?” the genuine concern in her voice seem

e you sittin

still have more than an hour b


et up a bit lat


knew something was not right but what Mamatha had hidden from the five year old was far more serious;

she had received two days


ter had

nguage that she had not been able to understand. ) the new Pr

school bus timings as well as the school schedule for the


at the home bus stop



9.40 am – 10.20

10.20 am – 11.00

11.00 am – 11.40

11.40 am – 12.20 p

12.20 pm – 1.00 pm

1.00 p

1.40 p

2.20 pm –

3.00 pm

g snacks 3.40

ainment hour 4.00


6.00 p


south entrance while girls will

llowed from the said date. Parents are req

w the schedule would


s as bizarre and incomp


eting with the principal but had been unsuccessful. It was obvious others parents were also clamouring for an explan

iver was looking tired and serious. Even the bus attendant appeared grim. An une

er behind. She spun back with tears in her eyes as the bus attendant, who was new, glared at her. “Keep q

y making her sit beside her and calming her. She was about to ask another questi

ilence in bus. Even the driver seemed to be new and dangerous. None of the girls spoke; nor did they dare to look at each other

aken to a dungeon and killed there and their bodies dumped in the garbage bins like they showed in horror movies? Their minds buzzed with doubts and questions whic

been passed to every girl. she had looked at the captain with great admiration and pride fo

proclaimed “North Gate”. As she alighted the bus,

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