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Hard to Catch

Chapter 3 Untitled

Word Count: 1666    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

s in and out of his life. She lived miles away and would only visit on special occasions and holidays. Dave grew up learning what love was really about and how he should treat a lady, regardless of

rents Kate was spoiled rotten from the day she was born. Her parents didn't spend much time with her, but they made sure she had everything needed while

k, and Kate saw this as an advantage to get him right where she wanted him. Upon their arrival to Kate's apartment Dave walked Kate to her door, where she

wanted her sexually at that very moment. But Dave didn't and this threw Kate way off her game. After

ing his thighs throughout the drive back to her apartment? What went wrong? Dave did flirt with her, he made several advances toward her, that made her think he wanted her a

more. She was determined. Kate got out of bed to pour herself a glass of wine as she recapped her second date with Dave. They were at the movie theater, sharing a bag of salty popcorn. When Dave leane

him over there now, at 2:00 am in the morning. What type of emergency could she put together at this hour to get Dave out of his bed and into hers. Getting Dav

ought she needed. She would invite Dave over to her place for dinner. Make him one of her favorite dishes and woo him into s

led wine on the center table. She had just finish making dinner and Dave would arrive in fifteen minutes or less. She place both plates in the oven to keep warm as she went in to

oughts flooding her mind about Dave and what she wanted to do to him, and she certainly knew how to give a man all the

ate's apartment and had to walk the rest of the way. Kate's apartment complex parking lot was heavily under construction as she looked out the window while Dave e

just how to calm him down and put his mind at ease. They sat down for dinner and a movie as Dave spoke to Kate about the stresses of his job, and how frustrated he was

. Kate slowly reached over for Dave's zipper, he immediately pulled away from her lips and let himself up from her lap, sitting upright beside her. Dave told Kate he wasn't ready fo

was disheartened by Dave's decision of rejecting her again. Why did this keep happening? wasn't he a man with sexual needs? what did he mean by 'he wasn't r

ow each other. He wanted more from their relationship. He found Kate to be smart and witty with a great sex appeal but there was more of

lationship and those she had were only of a sexual nature. She told him that she didn't really know how it was to be in love or to be in a serious relat

ve had the pleasure of being in love or having a serious relationship. Why would she allow men to use her that way? He was d

head on his shoulder. She felt like that was exactly where she needed to be, wrapped up in his arms. Was this how their seriou

r's arms, while they sipped on two bottles of wine. Sex and intimacy as the last thing on Kate' mind as she was drawn in by Dave's wit and charm

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