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๐”ฝโ„๐•†โ„ค๐”ผโ„• โ„™๐”ผ๐”ธโ„๐•ƒ๐•Š

Chapter 5ย Story line .....

Word Count: 565 ย ย ย |ย ย ย  Released on: 03/11/2021


cause of

od is cause



is a cure for your curse too!"The royal priest informs his king as he flips

ar a answer filled with ray of hope instead of a stateme

d gonna freeze every single human int

re is for sure a person for whom there gonna be no barriers

estioned ,if h

ose his thick book and stand up telling prayers to his ro

ur lord?"Jonk questions"A man can neve

matter as long as i have someone to admire ,to love just for me "pearl smiles a l



groan in sleep as i hope any maid listen this and close the curtains.I flip on bed and a


t in my palace and i am not even surrounded by guards ,

free him without my orders .what the hel

e room and stand up from the carpet on floor ,I no longer was in my lavish -c

atan ?If he is not here may

o not here to help me ,he is prisoned and most importan

growl with slight pain because of hunger a

i stand up and pull myself up to the from the floor and walk

,when i am struck with a giant human

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