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My Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 2 One night stand

Word Count: 1343    |    Released on: 02/11/2021

sy Arianna ordered. She was feelin

head. He had already given her four bottles and yet she wa

about that? You loo

nd of hated it when people get too intoxicated, especia

ing for it,” a good looking man in black suit ins

this young lady but now that this Mr. is involved,

for Arianna which she accep

d the drink almost immediately, she d

why would a young lady like you be in this state

ked up to his face and chuckled, although she was tipsy, she could still notice

e laughed and covered her mouth with her

h then,” the young man replie

don’t look… too good

was heading to. Arianna was too drunk right now to care, her boyfrien

other happy? Miss Fleischma

hirty percent in control of what she said right now, the rest was th

otions flaring in her eyes. Thanks to the Vodka she had taken, th

y he brought out his wallet and paid for their drinks, the next moment he was drawing

trying to understand where she was and how she got there, she heard the sound of a phone ringing; s

for her; she stretched her hand and took it, making sure

he asked, while rubbing

ke up alarm call that your current payment for twelve hours has expired,

heard that and if there was any sleep

ly. Where the fvck would sh

you to check out in the next thirty

lack-jaw. How the hell did she end up here? She looked at herse

th a stranger and she doesn’t even remember if they used any form of protection

on the floor, she picked up her handbag to see if

east, he wasn’t a thief,”

And even if he was one, what would he steal? A little c

her best friend must be so worried about her. She quickly climbed d

drunk. This was all Dave`s fault, he had ruined her life in one

how she got to that point. She made use of the eleva

re, but he didn’t even have the decency to make a proper introduction of himself or at least drop a note befor

ake was having too much to drink. Arianna boarded a taxi that would take h

boyfriends or man friends as Arianna would call them, that was what they

the street. It was still difficult to believe that Dave had broken up with her, but it no lo

he had no doubts that her best friend would be mad at her. Just like she expec

know how to pic

way her best friend twists

tered and walked in while Rosie cl

the two of them and they shared the same bed, except on nights when Rosie would come back with one of her bo

d slumped onto the bed, the a

I have all day long,” Rosie said and folded h

what happ


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1 Chapter 1 The day everything went wrong2 Chapter 2 One night stand3 Chapter 3 Getting Reprimanded4 Chapter 4 Pregnant for an unknown5 Chapter 5 Her Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO6 Chapter 6 Going after him7 Chapter 7 We meet again, Mr. CEO8 Chapter 8 The Baby is not mine!!9 Chapter 9 He would have to accept his responsibilities!!10 Chapter 10 She sent a demand letter11 Chapter 11 They came to an agreement12 Chapter 12 The CEO'S invitation13 Chapter 13 The date that went wrong14 Chapter 14 Hospital reports are out15 Chapter 15 Oliver is her Baby's Daddy16 Chapter 16 Why did you reject the money17 Chapter 17 Can we be friends 18 Chapter 18 An excited Billionaire19 Chapter 19 A Billionaire's baby mama20 Chapter 20 Don't fall for his lies21 Chapter 21 Knowing each other better22 Chapter 22 Would you marry me 23 Chapter 23 I accept24 Chapter 24 The engagement party25 Chapter 25 Married26 Chapter 26 An addition to the Gomez Family27 Chapter 27 Rosie and Sammy28 Chapter 28 A happy family29 Chapter 29 Grandpa Gomez is coming back30 Chapter 30 I don't want to fall in love31 Chapter 31 Return of Grandpa Go32 Chapter 32 The surprise33 Chapter 33 An Asian wife for the CEO34 Chapter 34 You won't divorce me, would you 35 Chapter 35 I would never leave you, Honey Bunny.36 Chapter 36 Grandpa Gomez insists37 Chapter 37 A game of Chess38 Chapter 38 Asian food39 Chapter 39 Nora and Miss Gomez40 Chapter 40 She is 41 Chapter 41 Heart Attack42 Chapter 42 Divorce papers43 Chapter 43 Divorced!!44 Chapter 44 Pain and heartbreak45 Chapter 45 Separated!!46 Chapter 46 I have to run!47 Chapter 47 Grandma Margareta48 Chapter 48 Oliver's big plan49 Chapter 49 Aria is gone!50 Chapter 50 London!!51 Chapter 51 A broken CEO52 Chapter 52 A Billionaire baby mama53 Chapter 53 Moving on54 Chapter 54 Nora is a cheat55 Chapter 55 Grandpa Gomez realizes the truth56 Chapter 56 Nora is kicked out57 Chapter 57 She is gone for good58 Chapter 58 Will you marry me, Aria 59 Chapter 59 Still in love with her ex.60 Chapter 60 Leaving was her choice61 Chapter 61 A Princess in seek of her King62 Chapter 62 The girl who has no father63 Chapter 63 A Queen is enough64 Chapter 64 Sammy Proposed65 Chapter 65 I am getting married, come back to Las Vegas66 Chapter 66 Help me save a contract67 Chapter 67 Back in Las Vegas68 Chapter 68 Aria, it is you69 Chapter 69 Family reunion70 Chapter 70 Father and daughter gets to know each other better71 Chapter 71 Do you still love him 72 Chapter 72 Lena's the boss73 Chapter 73 The plan74 Chapter 74 At the beach75 Chapter 75 The plan failed76 Chapter 76 Paris77 Chapter 77 The Boutique is closed78 Chapter 78 Seeking79 Chapter 79 Be mine again Aria80 Chapter 80 Going on Vacation81 Chapter 81 We can't share82 Chapter 82 How did you meet 83 Chapter 83 Sleepwalking84 Chapter 84 Arrival at Hawaii85 Chapter 85 The Dos and Don'ts86 Chapter 86 There is no plan87 Chapter 87 Pearl harbor88 Chapter 88 Plan one89 Chapter 89 Waikiki Beach90 Chapter 90 Surfing91 Chapter 91 Royal Hawaiian center92 Chapter 92 Let's be friends93 Chapter 93 Oliver is shot94 Chapter 94 How could you 95 Chapter 95 I am moving on96 Chapter 96 You can't give up, Dad!97 Chapter 97 Iolani palace98 Chapter 98 Susan Malcolm99 Chapter 99 Susan is injured100 Chapter 100 The unexpected guest