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The lotion seller


Word Count: 530    |    Released on: 03/11/2021


donkey we need to go pick the

t it's enough for us for know be

eaded to the company. It was just

ve in time since the company had it's rule

ked just 20. Each piece goes for 100ks

we go and sell

y Karen" s

onaire's, which sober billionaire will buy a low clas

r not. I need to find a rich guy

date a lowly like me? Am also to young for relatio

o as I could send my mom so money. We went to the nearest bus stop and

lovely houses before it was like I was in paradise. I im

rst how you do it in the

sweet baby dol

ke stop calling m

your light complexion, and your curve

an.He was polite. Emma did the introduction and all the advertising the l

h these lotions, you go knock that house and

walked towa

th open when I come close to the house it looked like a small heaven on earth from the walls.

ade my mind to knock though I felt lik

ellbuilt, red lips (sorry I even know how I

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