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Mystery Of Why The Universe We Created Explodes

Mystery Of Why The Universe We Created Explodes

Author: Minic

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1780    |    Released on: 03/11/2021

k for a safe place to hide? That’s what I felt when me and Drew—my best f

ere no one ever tried to go into. When I said no one, it means not e

r coming from their mouth that no one ever been there. Who knows? May

at four in the afternoon, abducting whoever children she sees. That sounds not scary at all, or so my

Acting like a complete fool and thought were some ghost hunters who wanted to ca

owed him—not just in this, but also in an uncommon situation. Wherever he

ially chips, our favorite — full of other stuff. H

en. With a flashlight in the left hand and a crooked stick on the right, Drew leads

it, I trusted Drew. Even when it would lead us into perilous situation, I w

ic table, aiming towards him and pulls the tenuous chair ne

ing what he’s trying to do. He then st

t help with the chills I felt. The cold air dampened my nerves that made me hold tighter to the flashl

at are y

lbeit, it was already a whisper. Feels like I’

s something that we can use,” he murmurs, too inve

ng found ye

floor reverberates from every corner of the room. Clapping his hands, trying to ge

re just doing som

le looking at me, still

oft voice humming coming from the empty hallway

pounding loudly, too loud that I even heard it. The ceaseless blend

for sure,” Drew

s mammal he’s talking about. How can a cat

convince, me or his self since t

e when the humming brusquely stops,

e last part and hastily lead the way again. Waving

by one of them. I don’t know where he got that story, but as a young dumb kid, I bel

in class. Our teacher obviously doesn’t like it and exploded, giving me a piece of her mind for being sacrilegious an

s, we still continue to wander. We made it to the empty living room. Not

r. That made me hard to breathe. I can find a lot of broken vase, some have

g in the environment—Drew’s doing the same thing, but I know his head’

to our right. I aimed the flashlight in that

ct thing that I was expecting. We continued to check th

roken chandelier hanging on the ceiling, the designs and painting on the

frame, all lined up to the wall, in details. I am

this impeccable masterpiece when they can sell it

nging through the raging waves with a lightning struck its deck. S

side and saw three small bugs o

ng its eye. When you look through it, you’d be absorbed with the sadness that you saw in i

also examining the painting

at caught my attention. It was an enormous portrait of a beautif

right through my soul. Her penetrating gaze bore into me, inveigling a

ll dude! Are you

inger to the painting and found out h

does it look l

ith an ear-splitting roar of silence. We’re now both staring at the face

nt, it suddenly started moving. We stood frozen from where we’re standing

ered, voice stutterin

wasn’t also


e lived nearby and even passers are nowhere to be seen. We can easily got killed

an’t blame me. You’ll probably thinking this way when you’re in

frightened the hell out of us. Glass shattered

e both shouted an

ll vase along the way causes

ays, but that did

Some people we passed looked on us weirdly. Some are even pissed and glared.

omain of our home, can’t speak, to fixate on filling in our

one. Of course, I didn’t sleep alone. Drew spends the night at our house and in my room particularly. We shared

r go back to that place ever again, afraid of having a chance of re-encoun

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