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His Revenge: Making her his

Chapter 4 Meeting Stefano Rossi

Word Count: 1518    |    Released on: 21/11/2021




he looked around and then realized

cent door down the hall, tha

ped following her and just raised their heads

slammed her hands together and

deep voice sa

nd stepped inside the

when a clap was heard. It was like thos

seat was a man in

n shamelessly checked him out, he had long jet

won't of this company. She expected him t


t of his desk and then walked

the name tag on t

placed around the corner of the

," he said an

errick Smith, and

cv," she thought an

e door, and one of the

skirt that exposed her bare thighs walked in and dr

etary?" Skylar voic

so too, in that c

ed at the horrified busty lady

his back on the seat, "I'm the boss her

le with this," Skylar said as she looked a

Rossi said in an intimi

and then glared at Skyl

u?" He asked her and she bit her

I shouldn't waste my t

little bit confused

ished business w

ow about my family?" She a

ere. This interview was so we

ut the Smiths," He said and

eauty, oh, what about you? You're just a liability to your family, the innocent little Skylar tha

ss? Yeah, he's a mess

out her parents but w

ther? What do you know about him?" She question

gain? Ken-? No. Kevin? Yes. Kevin Smi

er and then pressed a green button, a 14-inch monitor swung into view, and

beeped to life and her broth

's him alright. S

d some footage in it, showing tha

d keenly as a man in a black robe

ism glass, dug his latex-gloved hands into t

rned to face the camera and

as p

exclaimed, "How the hell did

see, that video alone, can put your brother in pr

ankrupt and your poor mother, hmm? Sh

ad to look at him, i

n shamelessly rob me of my money after dupi

ther feedback that you're in New Yo

do you

r's company


you," he said and place

bother, Kevin, and your fa

just to make me come here?" She aske

he priceless expression on your face, I wo

s or any of this!" She yelled as

get marr

he man in front of her. It was obvious he wasn

She asked, trying not to sound de

n crushed after I get what he loves

ow you and if you have any business with my family

our father and my father, and found out that the

was getting on

sting yo

ot your," he said and chuckle

pent most of your life, hiding you from us

when I made your employment status, ineligible to wor

er, your family wou

e tried to understand the

ied sick of her. And here she is,

finally said as she stared

Hell, she never even k

ur drive for money is

! I'm not gree

because you'd be the very one


m, considering the look on his face


er against the wall, throwing himself a

ise your voice at me, you will do as I say

her face and then nodded. He glared

iss Smith



re in N

ck coat lit a cigarette

this," he said and too

ing insane an

'cause they're gonna

!" He said as he thre


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