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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 820    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

u going to

you think will b

it, she was busy looking at the phone covers. She had always wanted to have a matching cover with her boyfri

our mind?” h

or me?2 she asked l

ed the sales attend


at question at all, sh

for you,” he said

d, the attendant put the cover on and she was happy.

im and whispere

re wel

and began to do s

honeymoon?” he asked sudden

did that but helpe

asking such


been busy with lessons

t we do t


won’t see them. I wi

s that you thing are good. I hav

do it t

asn’t shy at all helping her to pick out lingerie. He seemed t

d purses. She totally forgot that she was mad at him. After shop

sn’t this

ow me. I love dumplings, you shou

m the one she was eating. He looked at her an

he had won. After their dumplings lunch, they were given a free lunch b

me receiving some

ls good

ious if he hears that we jus

be seen as someone who is normal just like any other person. How can

is to mother and if she doesn’t

much? I might not fit

ee. Let’s go somewhere else an

or where she received a full body massage, p

” she asked as she looked

should look bea

y apprec

ad her supper in her own rooms and went to bed early. It was going to

she betray him like that? After everything he had done for her, after

g for long and they were respected globally. Being the youngest he got spoiled by his mother,

purity to her too. He could walk on top of fire even if it meant to be with her. Being a

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