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Revenge of a twin

Chapter 2 Goodbye Evie

Word Count: 1503    |    Released on: 26/11/2021


not even raise my face and my smile was upside down it w

given anything

ame including our grandparents. The family filed into vehi

thing red. As the service was ongoing. Everyone

y but it felt gloomy, even for me. everyw

erflows and drips down her damp cheek, fa

t. She cries silently, her eyes puffy and red. It’s the

death of the loved one seems surreal. The kind where the crie

ing her close in the rain. Her other hand holds th

er eyes saying “its not your fault” and “she will always be

le's mouth, dragging them down, jerk

her dignity. If he cries, her mother

dress hangs at the mother’s an

ore, nothing less. It wasn’t just her

ft is her mother, father and the rest Of her

a few sobs. Teachers and parents, family and friends all wear black.

in the distance, echoing across the graveyard to tell them it'

family is always busy, not many pe

e words said, the funeral ends. They walk away in

er. The mother and husband give one last goodbye, from her a sad weep, from him a bitter farewell. The child’s tea

person remaini

bling. He holds no umbrella, her wet ash hair clings to his head. In her hand, he grips a single white rose, droop

ing the wet grass. A true look of sadness crosses her eye

ver you, Evie. If only you could see this.” As he talks, hysteria builds in his voice. “We miss you. We cared about you, and now you’re dead. If only you cou

ve. She's lost it. Looking down at the ground, she says, “You shoul

could rewind time. I’ll see you soon,” she adds, almost unsure, words tasting strang

ell him to stop. I can’t do anything. She just leaves, tru

d come back to my mansion she misses my home so much but she

ke that, it doesn't make any s

r way out o


r supposed to be my twin sister but since she is not here

been there for me even though I wasn't there in Los Angeles now that I am bac

l but his mum said that he is

next mansion in the opposite street, I got there I knocked on the do

ng when I can ju

in my

o the living room first but the place was empty

ee him, I need him

id h

the door several but no one answered t

room and I couldn't

with a bitch and s

e loudly and immediately he t


take thi

she came back she didn't even come and see me first well I don't

I try to watch pórnographic movi

t no answer, she may stil

m gonna

nymore, I need to h

the bar, she has always wanted to sleep with me but I didn

I call

I sh

I sho

address since my parents went to t

the bitch came a



he cam

s over with, I


been waiting f

clothes and standing

vely, pushed me towards the b

ed like

took a hold of her bréàsts a


aned s

ening the door, didn't the b

ne screaming my name and

ok behind me and

releasing my cow fr

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