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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1559    |    Released on: 30/11/2021


use from Adriana about she’d got Mark and what was wrong with him, why she fel

e was doing anything wrong she loved Mark, but she lik

she felt someone push her against the raili

nd I swear I’ll te

aid confused. H

who. Stay away f


’ll reg

The Dock to witness Carver having a dig at

een said sarcastically, even though

ned!’ Carver sai

thing like ‘you’ll regret it!’ Would she tell Mark about her and San

fields towards town. Sandman was

late ran in

et’s go in and


grabbing a couple of dr

me about

ady know where I work and that I g

about you

ice she’s my step sister but most people would think we were twins, we’re th

itch?’ He as

e the black sheep of the family, she treats Candice like a child always putting her down I

d. ‘Not

bout me what

k at the weekends but I booked

‘booking the night off just so

out your

ilent staring

d wrong?’ Kaleen wondered.

ll dead apart from me.’ He

ring into

g mouth as usual. She placed her hand on his f

n a house fire the

so so

think your step mom’s bad try havin

ightly onto her hand ‘Let’s not talk about it aye, let

an even if Adriana was killed in something as horrific as a house fire I’d be glad of sympathy even if I do hate her. What a grea

pping her out of her dream.Shaking her head out of

efore heading to the party. We saw you and tho

works at the Rock Café. Sandman the

meet you.

o.’ Kar

ame.’ Heat

person. ‘He rep

what!’ Karen said


r?’ Karen said, l

ll me don’t make

led trying

copper cars were surrounding the Playing fields, t

some drinks would

ds please.’ K

mself up. ‘I’ll b


ly walked ove

ith him?’ He

aleen said.

down opposite Kaleen.

up out of the water, it was face down. We didn’

n said underne

he knows that you’ve gone out with someone

wondering what they were talking about, and if t

y cares too busy gettin

h, the

ou two

we’ve had a

ve seen me okay especiall

We’ll make


from the bar with the drin

’ They a

is arm across the back of

t was getting time for Heather an



Karen said.

I wouldn’t!’ Heathe


e y

ther walked o

re they

a colleg


leen explained. ‘What a lie I knew about it the same night onl

beauty sleep I’ve got work tomorrow night.

don’t drink like

hat about last Sat

hday and we were coming

ld are

rink!’ she repli

e eyebrow raised slightly as if to say ‘Funny! Don’

ding chill. I

d leaning over kissing her on the check. As she felt them get ho


e done it in front of your friends’ he said smiling, her face getting more flushe

e replied sho

n hers. They felt so tender, she

n lets go.’ He said pul

passing the Playing fields as the f

nding a little jumpy, dragging

was th

n’t like the c

e you in

be silly, come on l

down the stre

re, but he seemed a little jumpy maybe it was that he just didn’t like the police. T

he was so gentle like he really meant it. Unlike Mark who was

y. ‘Well I’ll


the door behind her wondering

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