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Haunted Love

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 888    |    Released on: 01/04/2022

sce over her dead sister's word, she had been trying to unravel the secrec

gathering much courage

ring her throat blaming h

he greet

he was being interviewed a

eeted politely correcting he

r credentials" he repl

file that contained her

ng her a glance and quickly went through it

red" he sa

eet Jerome, my guard to

eal time table and Prepa

d serve the dish to my table" he state

dded at every

re" he added walking

y glancing at Jerom

way out as he led her out from the

, staring surprisingly at the m

s was, she felt she was in a world of fantasy,

me summoned her snapping h

t as she had presume the inside was so

r the room in awe as s

" Jerome said opening t

a gasp staring w

cook room could be as

ewly murderer of a bos

master cole room" Jerome said

d to ask what his room looks like but she

come" he

of any thing don't hesitate to call me, I'd be

gh after the door

oor trying to sink in everyt

she has just taken a step a

oom thinking how her st

y minutes to prepare his meal and

e use of he time w

o the main room looking for J

main room and she spotted him

s smiling lightly watching as he

d stuffed in his pocket wai

nough to show me to the kit

is once stuffed hand from his pocket a

was a man of few words since he had b

I'd advise you to be fast with master's Cole meal

her boss name , she wondered what

ould murder could of course treats

it as fast as I can" she replied grabb

n watching as Jerome

r ingredients as

t to get fired, not when she hadn't planne

began chopping it lightly, she stopped for

gly, annoyed at herself for le

but there she was shaken already by just

elief and continue choppin

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