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Word Count: 1598    |    Released on: 08/12/2021

lustery, he stood gallantly beside the window as he gazed continuously at the wide view

reclined his back on the wall, he gave a deep a

ween his teeth as he shut his eyes closed and folded h

ed so hard not to utter a word, not to think of the past, not to say a thing. But, as he tries his best to kee

ice outside of his room and with

posed his demure into a very so

e looked beautiful and elegant at the same time. Jaw beautifully carved, her brown eyes exclusively seductive. She looked downright and moved closer to him, then he noticed that the dress was transpare

l be able to except for him of course. How can he lay with the enemy? if he wasn't told he knows Lady

would say your purpose

seduce her man, her husband, my Lord?" She r

ht you were not go

welcome you. It's why I had purposely dressed up to impress you, my Lord, I want us t

do you mean by that my dear?" He stretched forth

children, you have not touched me since I have been married to you, it's been year

it makes Daniella nervous, she wasn't expecting him to pull her so cl

want to feel

talking, including the Emperor himse


essions chang

t mentioned her brother. The Emperor, t

u lay with your brother instead? am s

. She looked at him as tears f

have to be me? why do I have to re

ng joy from tormenting others, you said history? of course we are going to make long records of hist

aid and one of his gu


afterward fetch me, Sabrina, it's time I have a

ed but Daniella just wat

r!" She

castle of Dillion, the home of the most powerful man in Ubirea, and also

ly hell? what if I was just relaxed for nothing. I thought as

was hell why does

Sabrina's quarter so one of yo

o call the name of madame Sabrina wit

e's no

breeze kicked up stirring Vetta's dress. Rod

rd Nazarack benevolence, he loves pretty things like you

he kindness of the most powerful man

have been here for a very long time, do you kno

t least you still get a chance of survival here, surviving the minefield is

know how sick he is, my mom and Veronica won't survive too because the

do, we have no power, how d

ace, we just have to c

chorused before they boasted int

here's the Emperor, Lord Maverick, and Lord Dillion. These three people rule this empire but out of all, Lord Naza

ing to take her in as his mistress but that night she met her death when she tried


considered to be a monster, rumor has it that he's lived many centuries and is incap

many centuries, do yo

irst got here, but when I thought

being the one to end their lives by himself, that just shows how

omething. Even if he's the devil himself that will not

ng...." I was going to say when the do

questioned upon

ily and Rod

se the n


k here because the Lord has called for her. Master Nazarack wants her in his be

y me?" I asked w

look just like her, your face, name, status voice! You look so mu

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