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The Bride

Chapter 2 Ms. Stonewall

Word Count: 1576    |    Released on: 09/12/2021

s located on top of Berkley’s B

how well we fair against the sweet temptation lurki

rength to the bakery while the other half struggled to sneak behind Ms. Stonewall’s back to grab a bite of the tempting dessert

and adored spicy food. And then there was me. I didn’t have any other excuses to resis

. It had also been an escape from reality, because dancing was the one thing my brot

ten it into my head that this was my one chance to outshi

freshly baked cinnamon rolls waffled out to tingle my nostril, and thankfully, she waved bac

st friends with Ms. Stonewall. After I’d greeted her, I went in through the side where the entrance to the dance s

having concluded. When I looked in through the glass doors, I found Ms. Stonewall ha

g on the radio as she cleaned her classroom. Even though she was fifty one

ul when she was the one dancing. It was why I had wanted desperately to join her dance studio. I’d

of about five feet eight inches, only an inch shorter than me, and her hair was cut short to just above her chin. There were several gre

wiped a bread of sweat off of her chin. She then

I shrugged with my hands tucked

rn up late or don’t show up at all.” She said as

I was in third grade. Ms. Stonewall had to drag me out of the janitor’s closet and use all kinds of threats to get me o

without looking back. And thus had started my gruesome training to learn

il I had learned the enti

iled when we pulled back.

sed my eyebro

here a couple of stools were ready to be seated on. “In fact, I watched all your perform

er sincerely. “But all of th

love Swan Lake and I loved the contemporary twist they added in with the o

phone,” I told her laughing. “But tha

vive to her that had always drawn me in. Today, when I’d stood in front of the door

together, but I feel that deep down, I always knew that I never truly belonged

your Gabby. I saw her perform with yo

lly, not missing out on the opportunity to gush about my beautiful fiancé. “I m

ped her hands together in anticipation. “Tell

her the wh

e literally from two different sides of the world, and I’m not saying it geographically but personality wise. She was this outgoing, fun, lively kinda girl that just grabbe

e, arguing and bantering about mindless things. That’s why the teachers decided to throw us together and make us a team. She thought we had passion and the tension bet

ervative they are. I’d grown up with the notion that girls could only like boys and vice versa. Even though I felt out of place during high school, I just had to keep my mouth shut and endure it. Gabby made me feel things that I thoug

yourself, but I just wish you could’ve told me this before...when you were alone and trying to sort your feelings. And I’m so happy that you’ve found the wo

her, my eyes blurry with te

had been long overcome…it felt nice to know that I was love


the door to Lydia’s studio burst

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