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Chapter 3 Glimpse of hope

Word Count: 668    |    Released on: 27/12/2021

brother, giving us a Stern warning never

ken, we wer

r the scorching sun, I could not bear the pain anymore, I complained to my

the cloud thicken, the weather cha

ent even when the raining was pouring on us due to leak

omewhere warm to lay our head, the breeze was cold, t

not gotten anywhere in mind to spend the night, We waite

spend the night there and look

muring softly and I

oping that everything w

nother downpour, I silently prayed for God to send so

that night, we slept with mum sitting on the ground and

morning to look for somewh

here was a notice board saying

unity, we both knew if mum gets the Job that mean

ame out to answer us, he told us to wait s

un was harsh, piercing through our skin, we were tired, hungry and thirst

urity man opened the

hen I saw the house, it was huge an

ings, pool, every

the garage, the design of the mansion alone k

l furnished, it shows how wealth

taking, from the furniture to the home

um explained our predicament, and how we sincerely n

us to mum and he also told us to stay in one vacant room in

ally! Mr Raphael Ideh w

dry to cleaning the house, cooking

he long face she was giving to it, the way she rolled her eyes, and I could s

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