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Pamela Miss Popular


Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 20/12/2021



ge ro

by Toy

e: R

illionaire, love triangl



people," Joyce sa

us selfish?" Pamel

as gone insane

am not selfish,” Pam


llege garden thinking of a way to

Annie came

ew her f

ou want to start avoi

ctly what am doing

his, stop being over-r

ver you like”

unting us?”

for being selfi

to do now?”

o is to find a way to get rid o

but how are we going to

idea, and am very sure it will be a success

t the plan is

ained everyt

you are very sm

ou don’t just like to use your br

s' affairs because I can't tolerate insul

appy you want to help thi

lved in this if not I won't h

of those things qu

mela said


shouted to call ev

now" Kiles whisper

but let hear her o

and see what she's

one of us, don't you think that's great. And this

" They s

what the game i

to know soon," Annie sa

u will pick a partner, four in a group," Pamela said

of game are we play

are to search for a treas

ill be my friend for a day and I will give the per

be searching for the earring my group

will get the reward or just

the team members" Pamel

I will be the one to find your

and see,"

, because is Inside my backpack i

who you want in your

to pick the

ppened to your fa

n accident but is not th

t involve in this game, you wi

trust me,"

ame you will have to be in my group, just

in your group, if you

t," Pam

are you alone?

e to pair with"

e are just thre

appy to be In your group

e begin" Pam

rt to look fo

k worried?" Kil

mised to call my sister but I can't find my phone, I thi

look for yours after the game, " Kil

appreciate" Pamela say an

far away

r. Pamela format kiles phon

a phone with them, which b

e thing and threw

oyce called. Everyone

jobs. We are sorry if we disturb you, but I want you all to know, that we d

ust to prevent someone from

lay this silly game just to save someone,

great thing that Pamela talk to us in a

is friends

hone" Jack yelled

you try that, I am Joyce Sean so you Don't dare move an inc

eems you don't know who

know what your problem is, THIS!" Joyce said

get that into your skull," Joyc

point in arguing with them," Annie

ne dis

n idiot, you can get me rusticated n

scene laughin


s h

ust pay for this" Jack said angrily

my Pamela get that, nobody will do anything to them, and i

?" Nicklaus asked. "I have said mine, no one w

time," Jack said and si

I will get the two of you new phones,

ga" Nickl

themselves in their



s a dude" The student chorused as Romeo alighted from

n and still keeps waving


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