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Legend Of Marauder : The Dawn of Supremes

Chapter 3 Welcome...to Bradwield High

Word Count: 1317    |    Released on: 05/01/2022

m and no sooner had he laid him down had he fallen asleep. Howard stretched and yawned and before heading downstairs, he looked at baby Brendan one more time. He was quiet, as if

his story than meets the eye.’ With th

Howard sent him to Bradwield Junior School. Brendan always brought good marks at the end of every term to show his adoptive father, Howard. The relationsh

wield High School which was a walking distance from his home. This was

g was divided by a corridor into fourteen rooms. From the entrance were the boys’ and girls’ toilets. These were the only two rooms to the right of the

ike wardrobe doors, these stretched from this point all across the walls of the hall to the entrance. The students kept t

ooms were the staffroom then two of the teachers’ toilets. These were t

library, a few yards away, was the school cafeteria where the students had their recess. The cafeteria was connected to the kitchen. All the walls in the building were painted

oked strong, tall, heavy, big and majestic. Just like the school building, it too was painted red which happened t

hoice. Sneakers were not allowed. This also applied to the girls. The girls wore white blouses, red blazers and jerseys, red dresses, “No

ects of the school. Their uniforms were different from the

ich was at the very center. All Grades dined together in the cafeteria and each time at recess there was jostling and

brown hair and curious-nervous looking eyes with the same color. His ja

s and smart, short black hair. His eyes almost never exposed any excite

couple.’ Samantha was known by everyone as the richest girl in the school but her self-importance deprived her of any friendship whatsoever. She was tall and had long silky black hai

og. By “Orphan boy” she was obviously referring to Brendan who had no birth parent and by the name “

everyone to see as if she was a famous model. Apart from being just arrogant and rich, Samantha was also the Head Prefe

at her but Brendan told him not to b

k?” or “I heard you were born in a hatchery, is that true?” Brendan never answered any

de which made his problems older than Simon’s who only arrived in Bradwiel

al with. Being a sixteen year old teenager, Brendan was facing a lot of problems with his math. Angus

h textbooks and open on pag

was dayd

d hairstyle. Her nose was long and sharp and she would occasionally look at it as if she inquired something unexpected from it like a pimple. Her body wa

ntion?’ She looked at him painfully with her d

himself from his dreams as the cl

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1 Chapter 1 A Forgotten World2 Chapter 2 Cries in a Rainstorm3 Chapter 3 Welcome...to Bradwield High4 Chapter 4 Bully5 Chapter 5 The Line Between Reality and Fantasy6 Chapter 6 Cursed7 Chapter 7 Nightmares Unfold (Part I)8 Chapter 8 Nightmares Unfold (Part II)9 Chapter 9 Goodbye10 Chapter 10 Condolences11 Chapter 11 The Myth of Finch12 Chapter 12 "Fight !"13 Chapter 13 Pleasantly Unpleasant Surprises14 Chapter 14 Questions15 Chapter 15 The Plan16 Chapter 16 Sweet Revenge17 Chapter 17 The Chase18 Chapter 18 Breaking Point19 Chapter 19 Snake Bites and Liver Furtosis20 Chapter 20 Truce21 Chapter 21 Man is to Err22 Chapter 22 Brendan Runs Away23 Chapter 23 Scars24 Chapter 24 Superhuman25 Chapter 25 Grasping Reality26 Chapter 26 Unlikely27 Chapter 27 The Boy of Legend28 Chapter 28 Questions (Part I)29 Chapter 29 Questions (Part II)30 Chapter 30 A Truth Revealed31 Chapter 31 Owen Sommers32 Chapter 32 Favors33 Chapter 33 Wounds34 Chapter 34 Friend-Ship35 Chapter 35 Thomas36 Chapter 36 The Bank37 Chapter 37 Cashing Fire38 Chapter 38 Destiny39 Chapter 39 Murderer40 Chapter 40 Guilty Plea41 Chapter 41 Sam42 Chapter 42 Plans43 Chapter 43 Brendan The Survivor44 Chapter 44 An Eye for an Eye45 Chapter 45 The Showdown46 Chapter 46 Anonymous47 Chapter 47 Dreams48 Chapter 48 Marauder49 Chapter 49 At Samantha's50 Chapter 50 Beyond Reach51 Chapter 51 All Caught Up52 Chapter 52 Thirst for Justice53 Chapter 53 Convict Finch54 Chapter 54 Cover55 Chapter 55 The Return of Thomas56 Chapter 56 What to Fight for57 Chapter 57 MAGIC AND SCIENCE : The David Bradwield Theory58 Chapter 58 The Help59 Chapter 59 Friendly Invitation60 Chapter 60 Who is Anonymous 61 Chapter 61 The Dance62 Chapter 62 Angel63 Chapter 63 Call for Action64 Chapter 64 The Phantom's Power65 Chapter 65 The Voice66 Chapter 66 Fear67 Chapter 67 Bonus