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The Last Dress

Chapter 2 Bucket Lists

Word Count: 1503    |    Released on: 07/01/2022

so did not have any plans. I forgot to make a plan becau

s, same old viral videos, same old messages, same old faces, same o


rofile picture. Eh? Killian, my

Are you doing fine' , 'You okay' messages. I know they're all concerned but I hate it, it's like they


ver to your house? We nee

freshing new message to r

Je: [P

agic word. I hate it when

e. I'll send y

e exact. I told him the address and he said i

t had any new visitors here aside from my best friend who always comes h

me at home, she always tells them about my childhood da

my condition" Mum just let out a small laugh and told me that she'll prepare some snacks but Dad is

ell rang and he went to open the door. I saw Killian standi

" I did not hear any replies from my dad so I rushed to the

t blame dad for being strict now. It was the first

mom. I admire both of them, no one can beat their re

ing him on the side. I told him to wait for a while because I'm s

bout now. Maybe dad was investigating h

tire room. Woah! Didn't even

he's dead by now because of dad.

they were doing right now. Seems like dad was seriously talking to him about s

k a bow then went straight to

ng at me when I looked at him. He

anted to get this done right away but it seemed like he's not listening to me right now. His eyes

" I snapped my finger in front of

gret my decision to

s then faced my laptop again. I hate writing it down, I mean handwritten th

him to face my laptop and open my writing pad but he st

s his p

opposed. I hate writing things down using my hands

t one to finish writing and on the day of the winner announcement, I was not called. Meaning I lost. I asked one of the ju


just write it so jus

ormal? I'm not used to it. He


r I made one. It was quite a sad bucket list

walking down the aisle. Who doesn't want that? Every girl dreams of marrying the man of her dr

rse, you must never. But why? If you do, he w

ot. Thanks for the r

her bucket list for this proj

im. The funny thing is when I'm the one smiling, he can't look at me dire

hing I want to do. First was to travel around the Philippines. Go to the hist

s on my old bucket list, still haven't done any of that

told him, I want to go to a ball. If you think about it, a ball is close

was amazed by it. He is so full of things. So pos

d night" I didn't get to reply because he kissed me lightly on m

omach were moving so fas

as ever kissed me. I never had any boyfriends, no

. I stammered. What

. He's making me confused. Does he like

is wo

w. I don't want to have any strings attached. I want

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