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Chapter 4 Our First Kiss

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 08/01/2022



e more, and kissed some more before going b

he heart ache accompanied by my once silent, unrequired love for B

of rebound, something to help me take my mind off Becky without making any effort to invest em

e wanted a one night stand, a casual fling, or something serious. Either way, I decided to live in

ot of fun, and the desire for some sexual release with Lexi was riding me hard. The woman

with Lexi to her house where hopefully the night

le I drove to her house. She made me laugh genuinely for the first time in three days, al

zed that I was driving through the neighborhood where Becky lived. And then

was calling my name confusedly. I needed to get to Becky before she entered the house, and I knew she would never ope

n her doorsteps, and she froze when she turned

to the point. "You can't keep on avoiding me and pr

reat friendship bordering on being a sibling thing. But you..." Her face t

he referred to my love for her as if it was a crime, a felony for which I deserved exile from

wish that I was content with just being your friend, that I didn't have to want you as a w

y why I think we need some time apart, David. I can't love you, as anything which is more or less than a best friend or a brothe

nd yet my feelings for her hadn't abated an iota no matter how much I had tried. I wanted her to tell her that distan

eve how easily she was letting our friendship fall out. Like a balloon bursts when pricked with a pin,

termine its strength. Otherwise, how could a friendship

brooding, and I was silently grateful as I drove to her house. I parked in fron

taking her by surprise. My kiss was dominating, demanding, and I

ing from her body, and taking her with very little finance and a whole lot of sexual aggression

senses, and I continued thrusting into Lexi violently until I found m

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