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My Reiz

My Reiz

Author: Annna24

Chapter 1 Rinata Andara

Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

was midnight, so no one was passing by in the hotel. Rin couldn't understand why her stepfather, who had always been nice to her, actually had the heart

hen he saw the exit, sh

ave the hotel. Fortunately, the driver of the car swiftly stepped

the car. Rin, who was still surprised, was silen

he was really annoyed with Rin who just stood still in fro

now who else to turn to for help. And strangely, he felt that the man in front of him was a good person, so he dared to ask Re

Reiz answered coldly. Reiz opened his c

g you..." Rin

z threw Rin until the girl fell. He really didn't

hurts..." R

dn't care, he preferred to get into his car. Rin immediately stood up, and immediate

waiting for you." Said one of t

. While Reiz was still silently

ry. You certainly know what will happen if our b

ss. Please let me go..." Rin tried to plead, she wouldn't

Reiz asked, openi

not interf

r boss?" Reiz repeat

replied proudly. Edra William is one of the most influential businessmen

this girl is mine." Rei

are you order us?!"

ready belongs to Reiz Anderson." Imme

Mr. Reiz

looked annoyed. The men swallowed their saliva, lest they

ng to their conversation. Without thinking, Rin got into Reiz's car, a


emained silent, he didn't care about Rin at all and preferred to focus on driving

named Edra William. The car that Reiz was driving s

stop?" Rin asked. B

sed his mind. Could it be that this man is the same as Edra? To harass him to

to harass her here? The streets were quite deserted and dark, the

iz said flatly without looking at Rin. Rin widened her ey

r?" Rin wanted to co

of my car!" Reiz exclaimed, Rin's mouth gaping

ff on a deserted street like this?" Rin

ing to do with women. Rin jumped at Reiz's words. She couldn't help but get out of Reiz's car, as

im that person is downright cruel. How dare she lower himself on the street like this. Rin wept bitterly, this was the first time s

own was also impossible, she didn't even have a penny. Rin's tears continued to flow, in the added coldness of the night, Rin's suffering was perfec

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