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My Reiz

Chapter 3 My Reiz

Word Count: 1161    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

, he was really lazy

instead of continuing to talk to Rin. Re

of his company's branch problems, then in the afternoon until evening there

o rest. He had just closed his eyes when his phone suddenly rang. Reiz chuckled, who else wa

alized who was calling in the middle of the night like this. Who else if not the

connected, making Reiz massage his forehead. I don

ight just to ask that?

bringing a woman into your apartment." Said Tom again. He was re

ome to my apartment, Maste

ace, but always with me." Sa

is." For some reason, Reiz is always in a

f from you." Tom is stil

r honeymoon with Miss Tani

his phone, suddenly he smiled lopsidedly. This

s heart, how could the boss who was on his honeymoon know about him who br

time ago, when he dropped Rin on the street. After leaving Rin and intending to go home, he even thought about what happen

dropped her off on a lonely and dark street. Not wanting to think ab

heard a woman's voice asking for help,


e bed in Reiz's apartment was very comfortable, making her sleep well las

?" While walking, Rin's

she found the kitchen. Soon he was loo

er head that didn't itch. After not finding any ingred

surprise when she heard a flat voice behind

he just finished taking a shower with his hair still slightly wet and

d I just realize it? It must be because I was rea

n to come into the kitchen?" Reiz asked who was starting to

fast but there's no groceries here." Rin r

my permission?" Rin swallowed her saliva hearing Reiz's question. Why was this man so fierce, when she only

nswered slowly. It's better to just apologi

d from running all the time. So now I feel hungry." Rin answered simp

breakfast outside." Reiz s

g breakfast at a food stal

ood. But as usual, Reiz just kept quiet. Rin doesn't care

owed Reiz's steps towards his car. Reiz didn't answer, hi

followed Reiz's gaze, and immediately her body trembled with fea

z's arm tightly while hiding her face behind Reiz's body

...." Reiz

an he knew very well. It turned out that these

. Rexy William." Edra continu

Rin who was behind Reiz wondered, do they know each other? Sh

Rexy William." Edra continued with a cynical smile

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