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Loving the Man Without A Heart

Chapter 4 LTMWAH: 4

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 18/01/2022

sked, confused. Just a while ago, he

ulders. “Amadeus is comin

s? Don’t you want me to meet your br

re huge projects. He wants me to check out the progress. According to his message to Lexie, this is his way of

of him,” she sai

ke him. She had gone through a lot. If she showed weakness, he might think that he could

ou don’t know my brother. He would do everything to stop our wedding.

and he does not stop until victory was his. She would not let it happen. The wedding will

had been preparing for it because he wanted to convince everyone that their

ust supervise the house you are building there,” he

ory concrete house. As his future wife, he did not want her to look mise

take you to Aurora. You’ll stay there until I return and have

scared of your brother. I can face him alone. Y

e came from. If he would become her brother-in-law, she must get used to his attitud

ortunity to ruin my plans. This wedding is important to us, remember?” he said, his

, Nueva Ecija,” the pilot announced, catching Amadeus’ attention from reading a report in his laptop. He was boarding his own

are we landing in Palayan City? That is a far cry from San L

The airfield in Palayan is the safest pla

two from the airport. He quickly instructed his temporary assistant, a fresh graduate from De La Salle Uni

ialed on her cellphone. “Sir, do you w

a before nightfall. I have some

rive from the airbase. Maybe you

t to Costa Aurora tonight. I can’t a

d down. “

gainst him. But nature was not enough to stop his plans. And his subordin

in at Costa Aurora for a week. He was hoping his problem would be resol

in. There was no make-up on her face. Her long straight here was flowing freely. According to his file, the woman stood 5’3” and had a slim

er for a month, yet she had convinced Aiden to redeem her pawned land, renovated her house, and paid for her sick br

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