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To Love a Mermaid

Chapter 3 What's wrong

Word Count: 1332    |    Released on: 26/01/2022


school, I went straight to

hrough the mind of people around me and it saved me from poison today but still, a norma

st behind the door as

No one in this world cares about me, can you please come back" I sai

I gasped in shock as I stared at the pearls

ad minds, my tears now turn t

Is someone playing a prank on me? What

streamed out of my eyes. I hugged myself

e who or what made the sound so I ope

guards tried running after me but

ed my tears were turning to pearls on the road. I quickl

one was behind me un

at are you doing he

iliar. I slowly turned back to look at the person

e Jun or Ye Jin. His eyes widened in

doing here?" he stu

d?" he asked again and that wa

ng about?" I asked

t the act" he finally said bold

? Do vampi

y didn't exist but

get longer or my teeth grew longer? Did

ay then? You were able to read my minds and onl

inds? Does that mean

r head?" he asked snappi

on't have anything to say, c

e not a vampire.

dy?" I screamed at him with

se" I whispered w

't mean to make yo

my tears. I shouldn't be crying befo

leaving now" I

he asked

do at home, maybe some other time. Bye!" I

e. The maids and guards stared

elf up again. Where am I supposed to eat now?

was really scared, I don't have a choice. I can'

and dressed for school. The maids arrived minutes

arls came from" one of t

s on the floor, it probably fe

d went to my car. The driver drove

Jun. How come he's in school a

red I haven't eaten breakfast an

y bag. I took out some money and wanted g

idn't see me?" he asked coming c

scovered strange things about me, I'

he said when I

said when I

ignore me?" h

y so I want to get something to

ng? Anyway, let's go together" he o

ll prefer going

walk together and do things to

o told you w

s? We spoke to ea

, we only spoke to each other. E

ack to class. Ye Jun was still seated t


lowly. I've always thought of her as an arroga

ot knowing I was there and immediately I

hold her and assure her things will be fine but

e the snacks. How come I'm just

oughts please? My ears are full"

y can't she stop listening to my thoughts

t, there's no joy in listening to people's thoughts

ontrol it?" I asked and

ng?" I asked and I could notice the disco

rong?" I

ng if and should tell me or not before ta

nt to talk about it" I sai



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