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The Flowers under my Pillow

The Flowers under my Pillow


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1500    |    Released on: 31/01/2022

he lay in his bed, his thoughts raced through his mind. 'I have a

every time he did, he was greeted by the girls' face and the so

s in so much pain. She was clenching her stomach to put pressure on her stab wound. She tried to stand up again but failed and fell to the ground once more. As the rain continued to fall heavily around her, her wound was oozing a lot of blood, which was drippi

he was puzzled. Despite the fact that it was d

ce and all over her body. She is unconcerned about what will happ

n't stop,' she said a

he road in the middle of the night, with no one

nything different when a drop of rain fell on your cheeks, like a kiss from someone you care about? Tell me how you'r

of the road on his way home. It wasn't long before the rain started pouring again. He moved closer, double-checking th

ned to her?

own the road. It sounded as if it came from the girl's stomach. He took her pulse and discovered that it was not beating

t home?' he aske

and a young lady is nearby.' 'I believe she is in pain.' His voic

why I couldn't find her pulse,' t

find her pulse, but he was unsuccessful. In an attempt to stop the bleeding, he tossed the umbrella to th

r, who was also holding an umbrel

not sure. I just happe

ll contact the barangay.' She hushed

gster inquired. He looked down at his hands

only need to go home a

ke to stay h

as on the phone with someone when she told them what had happ

to see this,' said

e to be witness this

ther. 'She simply passed out. Go... put

other person approached the mother and inquired about the

he medics administer first aid to the young lady. The girl appeared to be extremely pale, with bruises and wounds all over her face. The young lady's cloth

s okay,' he

tter view of what was going on. The girl was carried to the ambulance on a stretcher and placed insid

m,' she said wi

and on her hands because they were so cold, and then he gently placed the girl's hand on the s

spital to save the girl's life. The young boy approached his m

? I told you had to go

, and I'm also waiting

u'll catch a cold if you

equest and simply return home after appearin

er information. The heavy rain had finally stopped, leaving only rainwater tha

witnessed something terrible or unusual for him, despite the fact that his mother had always avoided exposing him to this type of situation when he wa

like anyone I've met before. When she touched my arm, I noticed a sm

ng her wounds and bruises on my face and body as well,' he says. 'I was in a lot of pain

ous. What made h

ned tonight at the bridge because it causes him to overthink, which is bad because it causes his emotions to flow all over his body, and he knows what happens when

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