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Chapter 2 The CEO

Word Count: 2057    |    Released on: 22/02/2022



fucking for the third time and

quick shower. When I returned to the room, she was st

at I don't like meeting a lady I screw when

I'm feeling sore, please let me stay

leave quickly because I will be calling the security to throw you out soon"

king out of the door. She should count hers

mpanies in America and I have branches in major

fingers. I saw the lady that left my room just now on the way to my comp

d by one of the richest and handsome guys i

she's not an exception. Even if she had

ed me out of my reverie and

rty minutes sir. I've been trying to reach you but

les to my PAs anytime they're employed. One of the major rules state that the

there soon" I told

and wore something fitted for a meeting befo

don't take any lady to my m


s office, she signalled me to go

ager. I sat on a chair opposite him and waited

so never ask you to sit before you did" he s

day's shoot, it won't happen

" he asked staring directly at

s I

d to take place by wha

lace by 9" I answered not

e time now?

from the shoot yesterday. You can ask other compan

ay, it means it's going to continue that way. For th

you leave. Sorry about that though, the thing is that we stric

ymore and the only person they could give the

ng and he answere

e already? Send her

alled her few minutes ago. That's what I'

ited for a "come in" before wa

, excuse me" I said eyein

way while she kept smiling innocently like the devil

got into my car after collec

e" I said to the d

I will just have fun for today. Going to a bar


ments and files before me. I'm not the only accountant in

he next document when I

iredly and rested

a meeting with KRC in thirty minutes and you are to

id I become the CEO or manager that represen

man that asked me to tell yo

oming to tell me that now?" I ask

tell you now" she stu

and she scurried

walking out on them last night.

t I wasn't permitted to go for what I

tten more than they can chew so it's

n and kept everything safely befo

me so I threw my bag at her and walked into

KRC and I got down from the car w

room where the meeting was to ta

fted some things that will be important for

runs this company and how do

somewhere right now while we are here waiting for him. It's close

p to leave, the so-called CEO wa

m noisily in his mouth. As soon as he got

n to business"

just asking us to get down to busine

ss? Is this how you do th

e lots of important things to do so be fast with what

d me here and if I fail to get the contract signed, it will

o whatever pleases you. Let's get down to

within few minutes after which I waited pati

s like you're trying to bring my company dow

y to bring your compan

any is top two while yours is top three. You

ess. Are you still interested in the contract,?" I asked thr

ing the contract, you can l

o longer interested in signing the contra

ct. The rules are a bit fair"

e a little boring? Let's have a quickie, what do y

ne of those random girls you f**k okay? Just sign the co

t interested" he s

anyway" I said and stood up to leave

this. It's not over yet" he said with a d

d! I never knew he was going t

hink it's time to step up for myself. I will

the house, I won't care anymore. I wi

of the company. I'm so tired, I don't thin

oing home" I said to the dr

way, something prompted me to look up. I raised

at guy is just so full of himself and I don't

e. The clothes he's wearing are kind of tat

ly out of sight. I would have fallen

uy. I want a man that will be able to stand again

home now. I really wish grandma and grandpa wi



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