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The Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate

Chapter 3 More pain

Word Count: 2222    |    Released on: 27/03/2022

t there was a mother and stubborn crying baby inside. Infact, she liked the fact that th

portant to her. Besides, it won't hurt to get a good

ead her sanity was clinging on. While trying to think of two g

fty story building, she jumped down from the ta

y, not even the receptionist who she usually threw a smile

n though she was forty five minutes late for work, she couldn't bring herself to walk into the conf

of tissue and wip

d numb, those were the words closest

throom stall, into the office lobby and flung

ole in her chest seemed to sink deeper and deeper wi

d her eyes and spoke to herself, inh

ied out of the elevator, clutching her bag the same way pain held her heart, and nav

e could do this, she could pull herself together

her way through the door

round table fell o

he feigned a smile as she squeeze

t take his eyes off he

n us almost an hour

she say to him? Roxanne thought of

ry sir,

ing off. You can meet your colleagues..." H

or the rest of

g she heard him say was "ex colleagu

her head violently. This had to be a dream, e

er head hard enough,

e due to the recent struggles. You are on

of what she had just heard, she sat

around the round table. She was fi

ow the hell could she be fired? No!

e stood up and banged t


ot be happening to her today. Her world could

ears of her blood, sweat and tears to- tore his gaze from the pa

d respected the older man, but this mi

ster Lex, there has to b

access your efficiency correct

as Hardy. He stood behind Alexander,

nd her face. As if s

still remained Roxan

exCorp, Thomas Hardy, had alw

is bed, or rather, office table, four times. A

g her countless queries, he had finally deci

n this corporation are numbered." His

You. B


turned her focus

life to this company. You h

ll ties with my family and this is all I have left...' she wanted to add, with shaking breath.

ints miss Harvey. For now, please sit down." Thomas order

r seat, trying to still her violent

Roxanne could only focus on one thing; ten ways to castrate Thomas once

ard room, Roxanne rushed to her f

give me a c

need, be sure to meet him." Alexander threw ove

e happening, it had be a nightmare, one

Thomas, giving him a stony

one was low, anger had ma

her, traveling around

y knew this was coming for you." He s

se I wouldn't l

t she fought the urge to cry. She would never give Tho

ing, tapping her sh

b his hands, but an assault

miss Harvey, I can get

and whispered aga

y reminding you that you're like every other American woman

ord 'jobless' caused Roxann

looked at it, he h

hook his head, before slamming her

to exit this building mis

ardy's voic

turned to her. Her eyelids burned with the tears that threatened

of the window. Everything she had ever worked

nse. How could LexCorp throw away seven years of hard work and dedicat

did for anybod

Jonah! And n

even years of being endlessly dedicated came

lf choking on her tears as his

om friends to lovers. Yet, even he did not think twice before sn

red her best friend'

you've given that company all your late nights and early as fu

ssured her she woul

r best friend and flatmate was the one person she needed

r was left of her dignity and hurried out of conference


hing for jobs online and spending most of her time in

r. Besides Emily, she was the next person Roxanne knew she could run

more than anyone what it mean

veys, the rest of the family had found ways t

glad anyway. It allowed her the freedo

's confectionery shop that Roxanne had

hat she could not believe it was the same Isa

he wedding and look at their parents without breaking

was about to watch her ex fiance

romise to attend. Who says n

ned in the trash of her Gmail. The night he dared to show himself at her h

nd Isabelle had taken it upon themselves to

he needed

t cathedral without a man." Emily's voice still thund

. She could remember Emily saying it was as a result of the picture she used, but

d a meet up, Roxanne sighed

who was busy knitting a scarf on the cou

ding, sure you don't

to bed. I'll survive

, taking slow stri

wanted to beli

self in the mirror time and time again,

the wedding tomorrow without pulling the


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1 Chapter 1 Stinging Betrayal2 Chapter 2 In just one day3 Chapter 3 More pain4 Chapter 4 Lost for words5 Chapter 5 Found him!6 Chapter 6 Took us long enough7 Chapter 7 The Strange American woman8 Chapter 8 The wedding party9 Chapter 9 Sweet revenge10 Chapter 10 Fuck it!11 Chapter 11 Fire. Madness. Rage. Hunger. Desire12 Chapter 12 Not a one Night stand person13 Chapter 13 Why the rage 14 Chapter 14 Could I, would I, should I 15 Chapter 15 You killed my baby!16 Chapter 16 Back To Hell17 Chapter 17 The dreaded family dinner18 Chapter 18 Is there light at the end of the tunnel 19 Chapter 19 Holding back20 Chapter 20 At the golf course21 Chapter 21 Another slap on the face22 Chapter 22 The Bet23 Chapter 23 Not again24 Chapter 24 She was smiling25 Chapter 25 Good, he got her this time.26 Chapter 26 You're just not what we're looking for27 Chapter 27 If it were true, I would have known it28 Chapter 28 Confused as ever29 Chapter 29 Her mock apology30 Chapter 30 Didn't see that coming31 Chapter 31 It was an order32 Chapter 32 The offer33 Chapter 33 I really need a job34 Chapter 34 This is ridiculous! 35 Chapter 35 Accepting the offer36 Chapter 36 Exactly how wealthy was 37 Chapter 37 The Warm welcome38 Chapter 38 Exploring London39 Chapter 39 She cried wolf, literally40 Chapter 40 The Hunt41 Chapter 41 This has got to be one big joke42 Chapter 42 Do spare me your greetings43 Chapter 43 Who are you 44 Chapter 44 She was his mother 45 Chapter 45 There's fire on the mountain46 Chapter 46 We have a life to ruin47 Chapter 47 A human woman 48 Chapter 48 You have nothing to worry about49 Chapter 49 She was confused50 Chapter 50 I do not care!51 Chapter 51 Large family tree52 Chapter 52 He doesn't have a choice53 Chapter 53 Reuben Morrison is here54 Chapter 54 What had she gotten herself into 55 Chapter 55 The Magic Flute56 Chapter 56 Just let me be57 Chapter 57 Just dress officially58 Chapter 58 Please, stay a little longer59 Chapter 59 You most certainly would60 Chapter 60 I knew you wouldn't let me down61 Chapter 61 He's dead62 Chapter 62 There is nothing to tell63 Chapter 63 You think I'm not ready 64 Chapter 64 That was weird65 Chapter 65 Eloise's words of wisdom66 Chapter 66 A love square 67 Chapter 67 The promiscuous vampire king68 Chapter 68 I want her69 Chapter 69 It most certainly is70 Chapter 70 Rules or no rules71 Chapter 71 He won72 Chapter 72 She should be73 Chapter 73 Wrapped in his 74 Chapter 74 One down75 Chapter 75 We may begin76 Chapter 76 From a sage77 Chapter 77 I can volunteer!78 Chapter 78 Welcome to La Gomera79 Chapter 79 Unforseen circumstances80 Chapter 80 No one can81 Chapter 81 I can imagine82 Chapter 82 Unpleasant attention83 Chapter 83 His special Assistant84 Chapter 84 Do what you want85 Chapter 85 Would you stay with me 86 Chapter 86 His mother's idea87 Chapter 87 Warmest welcome88 Chapter 88 Clean this up89 Chapter 89 An instruction from the queen90 Chapter 90 Crossed the line91 Chapter 91 Whatever the circumstances92 Chapter 92 When had she ever been alright 93 Chapter 93 Don't cry94 Chapter 94 Roxanne was gone95 Chapter 95 Hell was waiting96 Chapter 96 Forfeited coronation97 Chapter 97 Poor Juliet98 Chapter 98 So be it99 Chapter 99 Keeping his promise100 Chapter 100 Long live the king