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The revenge of the woman

Chapter 7 The revenge of the woman

Word Count: 3979    |    Released on: 06/04/2022


ew moments later and before I do not seem to me is the black hole. * * - No I beg you do not do that. He does not listen to me and continues to undress. I do not know where I am because I was drugged and when I woke up I found that I'm handled at a naked bed, the legs surveyed and spread in a room that I do not know. I see in front of me a much older man than me and I recognize it. He was part of those who killed daddy and who attended the vair of mom. I continue to debate and begging the man who looks at me with appetite and smile on his lips. - It's crazy as you have a beautiful body. - I beg you be hurting me. You're welcome. Let me leave. - I will not hurt you, on the contrary I will get pleasure. A lot of fun. Does he dropping his pants. When I see his member I panic because I'm still virgin and 2, to see his eyewear Jes know that he will go to gentlely. So I'm put to crying more beautiful, to beg it while trying to free me of these handcuffs. - I beg you do not do that. I am still virgin. - That's why I want you. If you were not we had already killed you as your parents. You are pure and it will get me even more power. Once completely naked it goes up on the bed and sets between my legs. I am screaming more and more by saying that someone comes to my help but nothing. I try to close my legs but it is stronger and managed to block them. - No, no, I continue to begging by moving in all directions. Not pity, no. No no no. Noonnn. I am screaming of my soul when he penetrates me with a single shot with rage tears me in the passage. I am screaming of pain, sadness, indignation, all. I feel like he does not hear me because he continues his dirty. I do not know how long it lasted but I feel left in the end. Before I'm not completely l'I see it to take stuff on the table after dressing and coming back to me. I feel it introduce something in me and return it as if he wanted to recover something and then the spring before exiting his room. A tear pearl on my cheek and then the black hole. I do not know how many months ago I am here enclosed in this room but I am violent and tear three times a week and by this man, M Emile Beynaud and what I was able to notice is that I am at home because I hear his voice and that of his wife every day and at any time. I am violent in any position. Once I'm attached to bed, once it is suspended on the ceiling and other times to a chair in the doggystyle position. When he finishes his work, he introduced every time a weird thing in me to recover his seed mixed to mine and my blood with whom he is going to make a ritual and what I learned, all this would give him a lot of money and power. I ended up with the situation so well that instead of crying each meeting, I am greenhouse and the mouth of a deep hatdin and a way to escape from here. Since the Lord gave me up to my fate, I would give myself alone. I stop consecker to help his day but nothing. Whenever he penetrates me violently I'm greenhouse with the myb of my being. Every cut is intensify my rabies and my hatred. I will even be able to kill them in a naked hands. I think I do not have a simple being because no one can feel hatred that I feel and be simple. They are my turn into a demon and it did not unfold me. Angels do not hurt, but demons so. That they would say that I have the opportunity to face them because I will not hesitate to eliminate them. Ms. Aïcha Beynaud comes cleaning the blood after her husband because yes to each session he ensures that my blood flows. It gives him joy. He feels so powerful. - My chain is still cut. I say to him. - You really commit to Sahaling with this chain. - In this case tell your husband not to cut it every time he bromines me. She sniff me and take my chain before swinging it against the wall. - I will not do it fixed. You will have to survive without. I bring my head to her and looks at her with rage. I squeeze the teeth so as not to jump on her and twist him the neck. - One day, yes one day I will make you pay everything you do me. I will kill you one by one and you and your husband will destroy you before killing you with my own hands. - Thats so you are alive for here because we intend to give you the same spell as your parents' silly. - Idiots yourself. She gives me another gifle then comes out of the room. I get up with pain to go to the shower to clean me. I have an unusual because he still got me more sooded. He began the sodomy one day while I had my menstrual and since then it continues because it is cheaper. I feel like he's not rape me for these rituals but rather by pleasure. He likes that. I cry in the shower by shaking against my heart the chain that my father had offered me. There is the noun our names to me, dad and mam burnt so it is easy to recognize for those who have already seen it. I can not the more a few more than can be a relationship. I look in the mirror the wound on my chest that hears little by little. M Beynaud did me like punishment because I bit his sex while he objected to make him a blowjob. He took a knife and wrote the letter B, saying, "I'm going to mark you my name like that even when you will be dead you will not forget that I was me Emile Beynaud. I'm learning about the outing of the shower when a defeatous takes me. I rush before the WC and vomises my tripe. It's been two weeks now that I feel bad, finally harm than usual. I'm getting a little weakened and press the button that serves to tell them that I need something. Ms. Beynaud appears a few minutes later. - What? - I do not feel good. I only go vomit for a while. I say lying by going on the whole shabbing bed. - And? - And I need care. - He dies as long as you are. We will be another girl. She turns the heels to go out but stops a blow. - You had your rules this month? - No. I have a stomach. It displays a worried and residence mine in the room. She returns a few moments later with two pregnancy tests that she tends me. I do not understand anything but I get up much to go to do them. They are positive. I am pregnant. Ms. Beynaud is puncturing and swallowed. I feel tapes on my arm and when I open my eyes I see Emile and Aïcha Beynaud more one of their guards. The latter carries me to the car and all we put on it for a very weird place in a kind of forest. We enter a hut and find a man in white White Blouse who seemed to us. I am dreaded on a bed and I notice full bizarre tools on a table. Th

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