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Word Count: 1538    |    Released on: 12/04/2022

nd to face Alexander squarely, eyes narr

e going on to either pass me a look of pity or pure distaste. This couldn’t ser

e.” Right there, with the unfolding chaos, he wrapped a hand around my waist, pul

h and shook her head like the prospects amused her. “Your mate looks like she’s in desperate need of new clothes and

tart of another nightmare? The similarities I’d spotted between Ivy and Ophelia caused me to see her in an uglier light, no longer the gorgeous lady from earlier. Her raven black hair didn’t look so glossy anymore. Her green eyes remind

owled and his grip arou

oking around. I think Venus is really pretty. We’d get along jus

iss the edge to her eyes and voice, the promise

r finger up his perfect jawline seductively. Dropping her voice octaves lower, she

this woman’s bewitching spell, hinting of explicit lust and a long-awaited hunger. It broke something inside of me. When Alexander promptly nodded, Ophelia passed m

und her devious little

udely. Alexander withdrew his focus and switched them back to m

you?” I coul

e maids, dismissing them from their still fixed positions. They all scampered away to

a bit on the overdramatic side, but

that you’d be going to meet up with her tonight to do god-knows-what? I’d wanted to s

you need a

p a glint as he arched a perf

h. I swallowed, jealousy and en

my sudden violent distaste, or he sim

ed, that glint neve

dn't resist th

disrespect slide as he cont

on was diverted somewhere else before I mimic

old me now, coming back to my side. "I'l

r irrelevant they were. He nodded, eyeing me softly like he could see somewhat through my disappointme

eaky, timid voice

little girl in maid's clothing, short wisps of

t my gaze. For some reason, that surprised me. "If you'll come with me."

llway, and stopped at a huge double door with ornate designs etched into it. She pus

feather-stuffed oversized pillows. A mosquito net court made of fine gold and silver thread fell over the bed, and pastel pink and soft purple lined every pie

h time since I stepped foot here, I wanted to shrink into myself at t

walked awkwardly into the room, my mind still wrapping

me, pausing from dusting up

er leave, promising to come fetc

stripping out of my clothes because, believe it or not,

case Alpha Alexander decided to visit me tonight. However, the excruciating weight of embarrassment settled on my shoulders as I realized that even the best dress in the clos

had possessed when I first arrived this morning. I sat drowning in absolute despair as thoughts of Ophelia’s mocking words bit at me. At the way Alexander had ogled her endowed body. At the way

nd to fight for a place here when even my own mate didn’t seem excited at the prospects of me being a half-baked werewolf? I mean, who would? My eyes pooled with tears and I bit back my lips from trembling. I missed Renee so much it hurt. She was the only one w

be stuck in thi

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