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Her Cold Body Guard

Chapter 2 The Orphanage

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 12/04/2022


ty which has become our routine to bond with the staff there. When Daddy and I arrived at the Alo

the charity even in our house here in Tagaytay, because we are on

in(an actor in the Philippines). Cheerful and high sense of humor. He was a trustee, but my parent

lonzo," he opened up to


t's go,"

es, and much more. We also carry clothes for the children. Surely the kids there wi

se of humor, I didn't hold my laugh anymore because his jokes were also funny. I was still hold

while heading to the parking lot to park. If only they hadn't been restrained they would have prob

hildren shouted when they

s. He came back two more times and there I accompanied him to enter. Their function

up Dahlia who was the youngest of all because she was only three years old and might

hs while I still had a hug

hey can see that they have been well cared for. Looks like

us spend some

ia while we took care of the other children. When it was all over, we went out to t

way. After the race, we talked. After we finished outside we went inside.

g home. Because I was tired I fell asleep on the trip even though it was close. W

ere talking not far from where I was sitting but I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

al room housed swimming equipment including towels. I wore my fav

our dinner. They went to the gazebo in the middle of the garden. I made a few more climbs and mortars before I followed the gazebo

into the open balcony. The aircon was turned off so the air was fresh. The heat and cold mix

finished eating. I was just surprised

take a bath a

views on my social media account. We have already started touring with my Daddy and Mommy. We also orde

When we were hungry we ate at a restaurant. Then we circled

nd it is said to be dinner with Daddy's companion. To a mall, we went. When we arrived we

I can't remember them because it's been a long time and o

smiling couple said when I

I replied to D

rned into a beautiful lady," the L

iga," my

I said goodbye to go to the washroom. After I used

rom the dresses, I already bought other things. I've spent an hour on the weirdness here at the

aid goodbye to my parents. I carried my purchases that I immediately put away when

I saw Mommy doing the Zumba dance. She mimics the steps on television. At Mommy's

my coffee. Waking up my sleeping spirit. I wondered if

presence, she turne

her body moved. Her body is soft so it

ier, thank you

what I said she b

ver!" I

to sleep but I went to the balc

them because chat and video calls have been our communication since I came home from Germany. They are as b

eat breakfast. I was just on the stairs when I smelled my parent

with us don't work either, except for Daddy's Of

My parents intended to make me independent and were happy with my result. I won't have a har

ough the kitchen but I just came back. Thankfully my parents didn't notice m

for everything we have received. After the church service, we would watch a movie. My parents used to

with them. They still enjoy simple meals, at least the food here is delicious, and above all the fresh air that come

family and they were also taking a walk. After a short story an

ause the movie was over two hours long. It's good

begun. We were already watching a movie but I noticed that my parents were tal

e, their topic is still there. Their voices weren't loud, I could hear enough. I couldn

a bodyguard. I raised an eyebrow because when I have a bodygua

dressed up, and started traveling home to Manila with Mommy be

Daddy. I am grateful to my family. A lot of fun we fin

am praying that a good couple will adopt her and love he

thinking, hija

nswering him. I sit pro

y. I would be happy for her if

will happen at the ri

dded my h

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue: Ready to Work2 Chapter 2 The Orphanage 3 Chapter 3 The Bitterness4 Chapter 4 The New Job5 Chapter 5 With my Body Guard6 Chapter 6 At the Condo7 Chapter 7 The Danger8 Chapter 8 The Intruders9 Chapter 9 Out of Duty10 Chapter 10 The Confession11 Chapter 11 The Beauty Rest12 Chapter 12 The Act of Care13 Chapter 13 The Playmates14 Chapter 14 The Visitation15 Chapter 15 Family is Love16 Chapter 16 The Guests17 Chapter 17 The Presence 18 Chapter 18 The Incident19 Chapter 19 The Weird Man20 Chapter 20 The Favor21 Chapter 21 The Trip22 Chapter 22 The Deep Sleep23 Chapter 23 The Enemy24 Chapter 24 The Best Friend Arrival25 Chapter 25 Feeling Hungry26 Chapter 26 The Hospitality27 Chapter 27 Go Around28 Chapter 28 The Handsome Messenger29 Chapter 29 The Report30 Chapter 30 The Process31 Chapter 31 The Misadventure32 Chapter 32 The Observation33 Chapter 33 The Beginning 34 Chapter 34 An Amazing Bodyguard35 Chapter 35 The Little One 36 Chapter 36 The Happy Kids37 Chapter 37 The Accomplishment38 Chapter 38 The Trouble39 Chapter 39 The Call40 Chapter 40 A Romantic Place41 Chapter 41 The Contacts42 Chapter 42 The Who 43 Chapter 43 The Plan44 Chapter 44 On the Road45 Chapter 45 Mother Extincts46 Chapter 46 The Securities 47 Chapter 47 The Fast Healing48 Chapter 48 The Dark Room49 Chapter 49 The Maid's Treatment50 Chapter 50 The Negotiation51 Chapter 51 The Failure Shot52 Chapter 52 The Suite53 Chapter 53 The Delivery Box54 Chapter 54 The Loaded Arms55 Chapter 55 At Midnight56 Chapter 56 The Shadow57 Chapter 57 The Stare58 Chapter 58 The Shots59 Chapter 59 The Attaché Case60 Chapter 60 Change the Plan61 Chapter 61 When Doubt Striked62 Chapter 62 The Heart Beat63 Chapter 63 The Distribution 64 Chapter 64 No Work65 Chapter 65 The Monster Inside66 Chapter 66 Related to the Situation67 Chapter 67 Freed68 Chapter 68 Check-up69 Chapter 69 Thrill70 Chapter 70 Relaxation71 Chapter 71 In a Silver Dress72 Chapter 72 Catching for Sleep73 Chapter 73 Body Clock74 Chapter 74 Great Day to Work75 Chapter 75 Out for Lunch76 Chapter 76 Making Smile77 Chapter 77 Retouch78 Chapter 78 Sweet Gesture79 Chapter 79 Bright Night80 Chapter 80 Really Change81 Chapter 81 Thoughtful82 Chapter 82 Love Birds83 Chapter 83 Watch Together 84 Chapter 84 Imaginary85 Chapter 85 Help86 Chapter 86 Calm87 Chapter 87 Concern88 Chapter 88 Visit89 Chapter 89 Loving the View90 Chapter 90 Silence91 Chapter 91 Tense92 Chapter 92 Moment93 Chapter 93 Like94 Chapter 94 Nervous95 Chapter 95 Possessive96 Chapter 96 Self-control97 Chapter 97 Happiness98 Chapter 98 Official99 Chapter 99 Teasing100 Chapter 100 Engagement