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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1475    |    Released on: 17/04/2022

e heavens

s are full and pink. And he looks to be from a family wit

e's go

y. I know that look. You don't have to be warned by word

I didn't hear shit, probably because I was ogling this ver

And this time he caught me before I even had time to check him out. He's with a girl. A redhead w

turns to look at me with a s

rks as the waiter brings our orders and d

Jakob Pierce, huh?" She raise

what you're talking about." I sa

etty hot himself and he'

nd push my glasses

at you're talking

to myself and my parents? Stay away from jerks and hot guys, and here I am star


Plus Jakob Pierce isn't th

's hot, yes, and I need to stay away from him. But hearing myself makes me want

sk Lana, taking a

at king. Owns the biggest frat house in college and almost

s definitely a jerk and maybe a Casanova. Without being told he chan

fter chewing my pizza and downing it with coff

ana asks. I nearly choke on my

t the look on my face. She kno

before." I admit with a sigh

have ever met. Every person would fall for th

'm complicated. My parents are…" I sigh and look around the Café, aski

me anything. I promise your secret is safe w

y believe the LGBT community is the reason we stil

ver heard in my life." Lana chuck

ted, I never knew I was coming out to the whole school. I didn't think

on this super hot straight guy

le. " Ac

had my own handful of jerks throughout fre

ooking and hot. They walk to Jakob's booth as they sit down. Jakob shakes the two guys as they whispe

and turns to

u date any of the two guys th

shortest one amongst the three of them. Short black

redhead girl with a flirtatious smirk on his lips. Is he flirting with Jakob's girl? My eyes shif

stingly. Great, he's also a homophobe. The dark brown haired guy whom he's talking to f

hton. Look th

?!" Jakob yells as he glares at m

lfriend and Carter, turns to look at me. I've never been that embarrassed in my life before. H

in highschool and I hate remembering the event. I was almost t

I turn away. Who does he even think he is?

g. You disgusting piece of

Café begin to murmur a

et out of her


p as I grab my bag. Lana does the same too. We walk o


to my bedroom to study. My mind keeps thinking about Jakob Pierce. He looked good-lookin

s up at once, alerted. Maybe my roommate is back. Listening attentively, the front door shut and I heard s

my room and down the hall. He's in the living room I think. I walk into the living room and he's not here, probably i

dark kitchen as I

t and that seems to

closes the f

u?" That voice. Why d

itch by the door an

is my house. No way in hell he is m

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