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Hybrid Mates

Chapter 5 Hybrid Mates Chapter 5

Word Count: 869    |    Released on: 04/05/2022

e time. No answer. “Damn. I have got to ge

I made love to my husband for the first time

r. “Housekeeping,” the voic

in place. I peer out. It is a man standing be

not need anything t

and the cash out of my purse. I need to travel light.

there and get a ticket before the man got me

ou Miya. Your brother se

nd. My wedding dress, my makeup and the memories we made the night before. I go to the b

alcony, a man leaps onto my

one,” I yell

room. “Please leave

p acting like a child. Your brother sent me. Code Wor

ry. I just do not understand what is happening,”

Where is my brother? W

carefully. You were warned this could happen. You will have

re you taking

do not know all the

ow my brother? How do you know the code

austed by my questions. He scratches

re a little bit of a p

d to know what the he

ere part of your family for many years. Your brother gave me the code word so you would trust me

At least I don’t have to take the train. Lenew watches me as I

ing dres

a week. I will make sure someone takes it to yo

le to go home

I hope to have this all sor

it up on my shoulder,

ry that,”

s okay I can carry m

tairs. For a moment I thought of running. As I rounded the corner to

d me, “You have to st

en my mom la

Rowan since the w

led her. Her scen

ecome very sensitive in

lf is fine. She has been silent s

et’s get in the car and I will

the answers I want. I better see my brother and my hus

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