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Chapter 2 Flirty CEO

Word Count: 1411    |    Released on: 06/05/2022



nd my head held high. Some ladies fainted as I walked past them

ing happened. I've gotten used to this about the

ladies that have been heartbroken because of me but even at that,

If they don't do it, others will

thout complaint. But the thing is, once I sleep with

e. Why f**k an old wife p***y when ther

g wide after having s*x with me just once. Only few w

th a virgin, I won't be able to handle it. They'll becom

tary was already standing by th

reeted with her head fac

keeping strictly business relationship with my employees. It's just

with just a snap of my fingers. I can bend anyone to my wil

a great body in my company but

ly and heaved a heavy sigh. Working as a Mafia boss at nig

" I said with

aw her staring at me in confusion. I raised my brows at

d get on the bed" I said

nderstand sir

ask you to take off your clothes? Of course

ur employees so why are you changing your mind now? Please don't do th

but I really want to have a taste o

off your clothes and they will watch us have s*x from the beg

clothes until she was completely naked. She th

quiet before I do something you'll regret" I

nd took off my shorts be

right?" I asked while

" she s

h! She looks so beautiful! I rubbed her clit playful

on the tip of her nipple. I ran my tongue ov

on my lips. I thought she was against this

ered her. My fingers moved in and out o

tisfaction. I brought out a condom and wore it a

creased even more. I sucked her nipples and hel

making her back face up. I don't like cumm

t to do already, it'

ke doggy" she sa

en or not?" I asked ge

up. She knelt down and placed both hands o

at once. Her scream rented the office and for a

er as I increased my pace. She kept whimpering but at a point

r the second time and that was

e often" she said bitt

*k the same p***y twice. Just wear your

ave? So this means nothing to you?" she a

ness sake so why is she lik

are you acting like it's new to you? I'm not going to say anything because you j

ore her clothes before running

y table to begin work for the day. I hadn't spe

ent a night with but she got clingy lat

g from her, I agreed to date her for the public. We only hav

etheart doing?" she asked as

eat night?" I asked still focusing

Will you please come? Please, please, please, don't say

itch. I've never met anyone as crazy as she is and I don't think

ave a choice anyway"

em, you will see me standing befo

ew minutes ago, not it'



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