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Weredragon Heir

Chapter 4 The Jerk

Word Count: 1350    |    Released on: 21/05/2022

at are you doing

him. In her mind's eye, she saw the appearance of that creature known as a weredragon, and she appeared to see it in the ey

e you do

ed toward the door. He let her go and walke

What does she have to do in Zera

e the man's grasp on her was too firm, Jody grabbed both ar

"She is your uncle

aze met Zev's, but Zev was the first to turn away and exit the room. Glendi

OK, Jody?"

" The truth is that she is still shaki

is Zeverino but we call him Zev,"

sitting next to her, rubbing her arm, which

ur servant, is a weredragon who lives and serves in

ve she was surrounded by weredragons. A terrifying beast like the one who

" "I can move if there's more room in this house," Jody

need for it." No one owns this room be

Zera?" J

d could sense his anguish. Zev's longing was obvious with each

Glendir explained, "She

s right now?

was murdered by the same weredra

y. She didn't expect the monster who killed her parents to

pha in my pack. But Zera valiantly intervened, and Zera was about to slay Markus when one of his fellow weredragons struck Zera's back, killing my dau

illed him, thus I kept my place as

ed, and I discovered that Nigel was the one who had fought him the other day." Glen

e beast had not killed her that day, she believed it may

salon when Zev killed

ers the old guy being on the ph

e he was able to do credit to his elder sister as

bvious. Her parents were finally ha

rrectly, your birthday is

impossible because the old man is rich, she will reject it. There's no need for her to dream about

raining tomorrow, Jo

hat training

dir stated, "And Liza can assist you w

ange?" J

ith Zev as well. Glendir rose up and stepped clo

said, "Good ev

at Jody as he c

too ashamed to wake Liza up simply to make food for her

s always looking around. The lights are dim, yet the place is stil

nsion is huge,

second floor and entered the room when she arrived home. It took Jody almost fifteen minute

but Zev ignored her and went directly to the kitchen to get some cold water. He even wondered why it would take

avenging food in the

he noticed a glowing gold eye on the opposite side of the nook, the icing on her cake even slid off. When she spotted the man

ps, but Jody was taken aback when Zev drew his face close to her. When she felt Zev's tongue stroking the s

, "You should eat it already before

an unexplained heat all throughout her body. Despite the fact that it wasn't a ki

s a jerk!"

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