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Chapter 3 Mate

Word Count: 800    |    Released on: 24/05/2022



men and started to straighten my jacket and make sure m

id I imagine her? I was confused then her scent filled my nose again I turned ar

y' she said s

, one could

ng co

words left my mo

sorry I don't

said slightly

just started w

e a melody to his ears. She e

r," I said sh

he hand shake. He knew she felt it too

to go now'' she sai

re I could run

up to

g everywhere for you'' h

an let's go'' he said pull

e room right on time. After

owed me. ''So, am w

for what?'

's happening between you and that

' he pre

e'' I said. His


I said imagining holding her in my arms, I can't wait to

problem' '

'' Stev

d. Steven could sense my

will be alright


this way? She looked at her hands what was that? I suddenly came to a stop and looked around and reali

s building was

someone whil

lly need to st

der my

we both said a

t paying attent

notice you coming'' I s

you alright


ve to go, sorry

g around me.

d. Wait! That

ions. Ugh how

lking for like

to my desk

e was 1:24 I

to forget abo


was done for the day. I gra

I was s

ned around an

to when I

u need a rid

ame with my own ca

ay," he introduced himself,

é'' I

I'll see you

h a smal

id smiling The


ping through me. My eyes turned a darker shade when I saw my mate smiling at him. A low gro

can I calm down when that guy is flirting with my mate'' I

nice calm down, don't do

n but still k

until he left

ery clear who

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