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Apocalypse: Chasing Dawn

Chapter 4 Research Institute No. 2

Word Count: 1659    |    Released on: 27/05/2022

complicated eyes: "How do y

parents, so he deliberately hides his origin. Even when she went to S city to work, except for those

r Tadhg is my teacher, I am also an em

t, he helped her stand firmly on her feet and then slowly replied: "This is not

g her long hair flutter in the wind: "No, I'm not kidding. I'm the only one he


y could not utter. Not only, but Vincent, those wh

ned out of the helicopter and shouted: "Captain! The

e stubborn girl in his lap for a moment and quickl

nny replie

hurriedly followed, taking the equipment passed

o!" Vinc

ately took off, sending the group of soldiers

gave her, she began to give useful information about

eir senses and perception, the only thing they care about is the flesh and blood of living people. Normally th

me zombie-like. That's why everyone must not let the undead get hurt, just attack

hell are you guys studying there? Those things aren'

at experiences she told them were based interdepend on memories of her previous l

probably knew, but they alwa

you recklessly followed us to warn us?" Finally, Vinc

stunning a

d while she was not paying attention, the person who had co

face the enemy. If they were as vague as they were at the beginning, they would have rushed into the

asked: "We're going to land a helicopter here, is there a

acher's room, we can't let the helicopter approach too close. The zombies are attract

e don't let the helicopter land, slide by

anged his plan of action. Sunny looked at the location marked on

this card will open the gates located outside. Going deeper needed to scan a fin

ing and release the rope for the rescue team to slide down. The helicopter would then

pendent parts. There are also no bridges around, so the zombies will not be able to access that p

a signal for help. At that time, the helicopters will q

t height, the sturdy cables were dropped to the top of the building below. The f

Although carrying heavy equipment plus her still did not make him embarra

had experienced situations much more dangerous than today. Because he was always focused on h

nce enveloped

ng with only their people. The squad followed Vincent's orders and quickly

below. Fortunately, the lights in the research area were still w

can confirm that they are no lon

ll a few that were left behind to chase the team. Judging from the time displayed on the

ill fa

could not be prevented, and the bottom

refully, don't get bitten, or get their fluidity in your eye

Everyone rep

Sunny's figure. Since they separated, she has a

met with dozens of dark shadows circling slowly, their actions we

she was mourning his dead co

up the backpack on his back, then turned

and reached out to pat Sunny's head but stopped in time, h

stairs leading down below. There was no sign of the undead in the corridor area, which

ay forward. The flickering lights made the atmosphere eerier an

naled to stop again, his eyes looked at the badly mangle

time used his body to cover the incomplete body. Although he deliberately didn't want her to s

just now, although she did not turn around, she still left a sen

eir bodies devoured to pieces. What scene is scarier than that of drawing a mass of flesh and b

incent did not expect, his eyes looki

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