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Acting the billionaire's wife

Chapter 6 6 Not Tyler Gray

Word Count: 1426    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

d out of her house with Norman's men dragging her small luggage "You know it contains only like 16 outfits, I don'

ng and making faces. The most annoying issue is that Norman had refused to say any

great again" She gasped and rolled her eyes "I will push yo

r you lost yo

ughter. One can say she looks like a psycho as she hasn't done her short hair that was still in a messy ponytail, her chee

re freaking out already!" Norman

rt of a prank or part of the audition?" Estella looked ar

need to get to a neighboring country for

e the job only for me to get a call from you around 4:36 am to wake up and get to the door" Estella paused, breathing hard "I'm extremel

might still be s

after you called?" Estella crossed her arms

you have to j

seconds. It was like she was trying to understand wh

th palms to her face level still breathing hard. Her eyes shut close but her eyes and b

oks broken" Norman

REAMING!!!" she screamed the last word and her eyes flicked open "Good thing I am in a good mood if not, I won't

came out of his mouth as he slowly brought out his phone and began to scroll through it. He seems t

h a miracle I have not been thrown out the window" He paused for a few seconds to stare at Estella then gri

hear only Norman even after she strain her ears so hard that they might have grown

hmmmm" he sighed "Her eyes as fierce as you had assumed and her tomatoes red face extremel

lla's eyes couldn't let her. She just unpack her short hair and let it fall over her fa

d as he waved at her and answe

a perfect imaginary character without fault. By the time Norman dropped his phon

er face. He made sure his fingers weren't touching her so she won't wake up and a

n be heard. Her neck wasn't in a comfortable position and it was cert

at Estella's beautiful face till they got to their dest

he double-tapped her arm "Stella!

act all so sleepy as she put on her shoes and tried to fix her hair with her fingers.

lock?!" Es

is your husband to be" Norman bit his

idn't notice. She was busy tapping her face to get fully awake while her fo

e here already so he sho

angle, she noticed the person that opened the door is not the person that want to enter

in had to slowly show them one leg of his nice shiny blac

she had put on a pair of pink and black joggers, a hoodie, and white and pink

have my sleepy eyes? What if I fail the la

the person is finally revealed. Her jaw dropped as she blinked vigorously, trying to see

ight and also read lots of things on the internet does

he extended his hand for a handsh

ould do is take two deep steady breath, close her

r? Tyler

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1 Chapter 1 1.1 All of his2 Chapter 2 2.2 You are fired!3 Chapter 3 3.3 Think about the offer 4 Chapter 4 4 Acting the loving wife show5 Chapter 5 5 The contract 6 Chapter 6 6 Not Tyler Gray7 Chapter 7 7 Not way! Solomon island 8 Chapter 8 8 The kiss9 Chapter 9 9 Let's keep our hands to ourselves 10 Chapter 10 10 Be calm, Estella, be calm11 Chapter 11 His nipples12 Chapter 12 12: I know you, Estella13 Chapter 13 Inside of you14 Chapter 14 Erected erection15 Chapter 15 Wonderful women 16 Chapter 16 Too much drink17 Chapter 17 James and chill18 Chapter 18 I can see your nipples19 Chapter 19 Please don't stop20 Chapter 20 You belong to me21 Chapter 21 I am sorry22 Chapter 22 Un-pregnant 23 Chapter 23 I am not a child24 Chapter 24 Save me dear Lord 25 Chapter 25 Part of the contract 26 Chapter 26 What if I say I want out 27 Chapter 27 I didn't force you, we both wanted it and we had28 Chapter 28 Leave that to me29 Chapter 29 Quit being a cry baby, I paid for this 30 Chapter 30 Care for breakfast 31 Chapter 31 Nothing should happen to my babies 32 Chapter 32 What else are you hiding 33 Chapter 33 Estella Grey with the 'E'34 Chapter 34 That was so hard to watch35 Chapter 35 Can you help me get a pregnancy test strip36 Chapter 36 I always love you, My Estella37 Chapter 37 I think we need to get wasted38 Chapter 38 I am coming with you39 Chapter 39 I know you want it40 Chapter 40 Are you sure you want it 41 Chapter 41 You are fired Maryann42 Chapter 42 Let's go to the hospital 43 Chapter 43 Remember, I am just your husband's personal assistant 44 Chapter 44 You are making a mistake 45 Chapter 45 Take me back46 Chapter 46 When going through the contract, did you see anywhere I promise to love you 47 Chapter 47 I don't know if you still remember 48 Chapter 48 What did he ask, Father 49 Chapter 49 Congratulations Estella, you are now Estella Gray with the A50 Chapter 50 My Dad is acting creepy again51 Chapter 51 I have Amnesia 52 Chapter 52 Mother inlaw53 Chapter 53 That meeting was a mistake 54 Chapter 54 You are one very good actress55 Chapter 55 Do you feel like you somehow love Estella56 Chapter 56 James!57 Chapter 57 What are you hiding 58 Chapter 58 Must I remind you, my dear wife59 Chapter 59 Let's play a game60 Chapter 60 I think I am going to be sick 61 Chapter 61 Just a step to her heart62 Chapter 62 When it's work and women, call a lawyer.63 Chapter 63 What is she watching again 64 Chapter 64 Not Karen, not know!65 Chapter 65 Cole, make yourself useful 66 Chapter 66 Your wife needs you67 Chapter 67 Cuss like a toddler 68 Chapter 68 This should be the best reason you are leaving here69 Chapter 69 Aren't you Mr. Gray for Mrs. Estella Gray .70 Chapter 70 Casted 71 Chapter 71 This is my house, Sweetheart.72 Chapter 72 My name is Karen and I am Tyler's fiancee73 Chapter 73 Molly74 Chapter 74 Not my step son75 Chapter 75 Legitimate grandchild76 Chapter 76 I employed you, Estella, not them!77 Chapter 77 Grow the balls78 Chapter 78 I remember 79 Chapter 79 Just one more time 80 Chapter 80 Caroline 81 Chapter 81 Nice to see you too, mother in law 82 Chapter 82 Take me there83 Chapter 83 A little nagging and a big bowl of ice cream.84 Chapter 84 She loved blue85 Chapter 85 I love you too, Bruh86 Chapter 86 What happened to the Estella 87 Chapter 87 I think I have something in my eyes88 Chapter 88 Nature or Seth 89 Chapter 89 What a morning!90 Chapter 90 A little evil won't hurt91 Chapter 91 The dinner meeting 92 Chapter 92 A Gay without a problem 93 Chapter 93 Why are you not dead yet 94 Chapter 94 Not today, Devil.95 Chapter 95 You are my 96 Chapter 96 Remember me97 Chapter 97 Trapped in98 Chapter 98 Aren't you tired99 Chapter 99 Help me cheat on my husband 100 Chapter 100 You are welcome by the way