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Chapter 4 Alone

Word Count: 3511    |    Released on: 03/06/2022

her Grandpa died, the blurry image of Rider's headless

She felt his lips on hers as he kissed her, forcefully. Hate and disgust

s opportunity, Diamant stood up immediately looking around for anything tha

oo easy. She thought as she ran over

moved close to her as he was making it up slowly.

than you." He laughed bitterly and with that, he co

ng the knife fall off, he hit her to the ground and she fell with a thod.

nce and for all, I can't give up

ached, her fingers only touching the cold pointed edge of the dagger. He was too distracted in his act to defile her that he didn't notice when she grabbed the daggers. He looked up to her face and she dug the knife into his right eye and pu

uck!" Sh

g back on the ground. She came to him, dragging the sword along from how heavy it was a

ou, Gr



and surprised could be he

smiled with

, then she would be in real trouble. From the size of the tent she concluded that the camp was too

trying was what brought the Major Gene

ime or patience to wear the tons of dressing accordingly, she contemplated only wearing the inner gown and her undergarment. Still if she was caught looking so underdressed, she mig

her best to look as composed as her disheveled state of mind could permit. Her mind kept flashing back to what happened in the tent though she tried hard to banish the thoughts away, assu

to find her way out of the camp without suspicion. No one seemed

f war." Her mind mo

ere she was headed, her aim was to move towards the forest. She hoped th


he camp yet when she heard the

his. Oh Lord, please let me make it out of this." She lips trembled

her, the brightness increased as

y k

wed her. As they grew closer to her, fear paralyzed her legs and she tripped. She

't take too long before they caught her, drag

om them but with her vehemen

and stood in front of her. He looked pissed like he was interrupted from a certain enjoyment. His lips

nutes ago and I saw him in the pool of his own blood. This good for nothing slave murdered h

he to accuse her of murdering anyone in cold blood? Was he n

nly say I returned a favor." Diamant replied with a choked evil laugh.

oice from the crowd of warriors su

to do." The Lieutenant General commanded, his huge figure casting a shado

he crowd quickly for sympathy but found rage and

ou can't. Please!" Diamant pl

scattered. Everyone went back to their business but m

the expert to preserve it. His Majesty will request for everything and the Major General's family will want him to be rightfully bur



ing of prices, advertisement of goods, noises of children playing and laughter filled the air. The sweet fragnance of flower, aroma of cook

smell. The long black gown she wore complimented her fair skin, her voice was smooth and sounded pleasing to the ears...too pleasing. On her fo

ou your future

woman, consuming her. Then the woman gave Dia

right hand to Diamant,

want t

amant's lips and she sudd

ead her away from the market till they got to a

moved out of the way not to bump into them. They did

had only two chairs at the center while the

or an harmat

ns over ther

again, not ques

now me?"

she whispered to herself thoughtfully then

when she said no

d her carefully as the witch loo

p to you t

I am

to herself. Diamant still didn't take her eyes off her. The witch's eyes turned white, her hand tightened on Diamant's wi

ff the stood, groaning in pain. She tried to break away from the witch but her grip was too tight and s

it of its dark secrets. Do this and you will sail

her go. Diamant immediately sprung up f

to show you." Diamant looked back at the witch and nodded, fearing what could

she noticed what had felt different at the last moment. The Witch'

ndpa left her in the first place. She stood there for a while, blinking her eyes a

m a distance while he leaped over to her. He pulled her into a tight hug, digging his

en she looked up at her grandpa. "I got distracted when I saw some cakes over th

ht! I was afraid you got lured away by the Crescent Witch." He wh

e whispered. Her eyes welled up with tears and she rested her head on h

had lied to her grandpa

mile. "We have to go home now and send flowe

't want to wait for nightfall?" He as

started heading home. She glanced back at the corner that

ed slowly again and she could hear


had been badly ripped in several places. She looked down at her feet, they were hurting badly. There were long cuts on her legs and she felt every inch of her body scream in pain. Her hands twisted painfully behind the

dead are gone and they are happy." The pe

uiet for

t for sometime."came a tembling whisper from a young lady of D

ly black hair looked untidy but her distinctive feature were her large sparkling eyes.

k in the process. She saw that they were al

?" Diamant asked, her

After that, I realized how much I don't want to die. I will do anything they want now, I just... I just want to live." She replied choking on em

en breathed heavily when the

ur name?" D

?" She asked, sounding gl

e replied fee

ple here tonight, you were flogged the most. I really thought you would die. Some w

et they were waiting not withstanding if they wanted to or

ime have you

to untie me and have me lay with them." She paused then added after as silently as

en them and Sunain st

gone and the

ely. A man tied to a tree some distance away was crying out for help. He died a

ou know, Lobina is really unlucky t

Diamant w

t wasn't the kingdom she had in mind

o wonder their shields had the arrow and sword crossed and at the middle, a dragon. Alusa is such a big kingdom

ht her cheating? He beheaded her right in front of everyone who had gathered with the thought of a wedding feast and all who raised objection followed her immediately. Heaven or hell, who knows? The number of people he killed with his bear hands for littl

veryone lives in fear and everytime coups rise up against him but they have never been successful. You take a wrong move a

iday with his Grandmother and that made him a Sadist. I really wished..." Sunain sto

led along with them.

t hear you!" Sunain

he tree, at least that is what it looks like. No

essed her lips, the ghastly images

gritted teeth, the heavy

the Majo

hen she realized that her

ne of those dancers but a Major General. You are in danger. H-He could

n't a myth?" D

t value her l

me out in a

peful one, you are

for one,

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1 Chapter 1 A Perfect Fit2 Chapter 2 The Knock3 Chapter 3 One Bloody Night4 Chapter 4 Alone5 Chapter 5 First Impressions6 Chapter 6 The Punishment7 Chapter 7 The Past Flashes8 Chapter 8 Blood-Stained Peace9 Chapter 9 Twists and Turns10 Chapter 10 Echoes of the Past11 Chapter 11 Hello, Dragon12 Chapter 12 Complications13 Chapter 13 Tight Spot14 Chapter 14 A Surprise15 Chapter 15 A Reminder16 Chapter 16 Bold Steps 17 Chapter 17 Distractions18 Chapter 18 New Ideas19 Chapter 19 Two Birds20 Chapter 20 On A Bad Foot 21 Chapter 21 Sell a Soul22 Chapter 22 Spill23 Chapter 23 Confusion24 Chapter 24 Well Planned25 Chapter 25 As Planned26 Chapter 26 Too Late27 Chapter 27 The Mad Moon28 Chapter 28 A Trap29 Chapter 29 Swaying Emotions30 Chapter 30 Unexpected Betrayal31 Chapter 31 Decisions32 Chapter 32 A Gift33 Chapter 33 Turned Tables34 Chapter 34 Mother35 Chapter 35 Fading Peace36 Chapter 36 A Strategy37 Chapter 37 Memories Of The Dead38 Chapter 38 A Pick 39 Chapter 39 A Flaming Visit40 Chapter 40 Repeated Conspiracy41 Chapter 41 Proven Worthy42 Chapter 42 A Little Off43 Chapter 43 An Unplanned Mess44 Chapter 44 Necessary Casualties45 Chapter 45 Weak Hurdles46 Chapter 46 Real Side 47 Chapter 47 Unravel48 Chapter 48 Another Stain To The Imperfect49 Chapter 49 Slim Chance50 Chapter 50 A Jittering Flaw51 Chapter 51 Ticking Poison Bomb52 Chapter 52 Plotholes In The Poison Game53 Chapter 53 Sneaky Ways54 Chapter 54 Turn Of Events55 Chapter 55 Pulling Strings56 Chapter 56 A Stagger From Oblivion57 Chapter 57 A Glimpse Of Something Wicked58 Chapter 58 Flickers Of Unplanned59 Chapter 59 Duck For The Shooting Mess60 Chapter 60 Too Fast A Pace61 Chapter 61 How Does Your Medicine Taste 62 Chapter 62 A Bitter Pill To Swallow63 Chapter 63 Death's Flamming Jaws64 Chapter 64 Beware, She Is Unstable!65 Chapter 65 Flirty Insanity66 Chapter 66 Ticking Suspicion67 Chapter 67 All Shades Of Sketchy68 Chapter 68 To A Certain Uncertain69 Chapter 69 A Little Visit70 Chapter 70 Switching Identity71 Chapter 71 Sprouting Rebellions72 Chapter 72 On Repeat