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Into The Abyss


Word Count: 895    |    Released on: 16/06/2022

ack to the house when she heard I

ated that voice especially when it yelled, "Amahle, go away! I don't want to see you here. Stop being a mis

she wondered why she was hearing he

anding facing a shed, and backing her. She was not alone either. Nicolas

t. They never talked to each other. As a matter of fact,

as part of her boyfriend's apartment, but she

ever did, and never asked him what wa

er in their sheds

f, stash of old notebooks, old too

y were pointing at something th

On one or two occasions however, Nicolas wiped tears off his face with the

g but Ashley knew she was talking to him a

here and join them to peep, but she kne

? What are they looking at?

the corner where she hid, and ask him what he was doing there wi

and force her home, while hitting her back violently, and then

mother and boyfriend preparing to leave the shed. Her min

ad poisoned Nick's m

. She could do it, fine, but Nicolas was not a traitor. He l

for a year before she

n her life where she did no

the accident and

m where he went to, and

him what was going on

and miserable t

ntil he entered the house then she ran down the stairs towards

earch his face but he passed by without casting a gla

e door out of his hands. "Are you

ng you" he said, not looking at her. He went i

ing me? You left me in this house thr

he stairs" he muttered from the bathr

lt a shiver run

she mumbled, her lips on the bathroom doorknob. "I think I

d was true, he was not ready to talk to anyone right n

a long time, each of them not kn

doing with his mother out in his s

r up but she dec

just stayed inside

were better

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