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The Forbidden Lust

Chapter 2 Elroy

Word Count: 1296    |    Released on: 17/06/2022

ife, Elroy and I made love and I was back at

smiling like a maniac and Jacqueli

ght went gre

ne, my life is

and make her breakfast, I kiss

ing him again? wha

has been my best friend for the last couple of months, I have told her ab

, but she was being a lovely friend by n

ll go back home tomorrow...so," I sh

est friend. I know you still love him, I can see it i

gged her back and she patted my bac

eady for my date. I was to meet him back in his hotel room, he told me that

But he was welcoming me, half-naked in only his sweatpants,

straight to my dick and I was pushed inside his hotel suite,


tripping me naked, then made me kne

." his hand was to the back of my head h

ove him too much to ask him to stop, but then he did stop and took me

m kissing and touching back when we were together in high school

l away from my rock-hard erection, his hand was still stroking my

he lake is beautiful

to my front. His length was between my ass cheeks and the lube was making hi

hrusts hard and deep, arousi

to my neck, and hold me posse

seduce me with his words, tantalizing me until I finally

ist and squeezes them h


h his and jerking me off faster. I climax wi

first oral?" he asked w

occupied with tr


't want to discuss about the years I was living on the street withou

on't you get dressed a

his sexy half-naked body. My high school boyfriend looked at me and put

t talked much yesterday, but I'm still not comfor

erate." His hand was on my waist and he

til he brought back the issue about me vacat

ouple of days, doing some school stuff, t

to his lap, almost spillin

had sex...you

cockily while he took my

el his impressive hardening cock under me, and my heart flutters when I heard him moan my name

y, I need my fix for the next

my pants and briefs. The man was back naked and carrying condoms


me being on top. I arched my back when he starts nibbling on my ni

r them to my backside, holding them, while he tor

, baby,

hold my wrists to my back. I was doing as he told me to do, I

sofa, my legs were to his chest and he plunged deeper

lroy, I'm so f

and faster. I tried to hold myself but then finally burst, but he didn't stop as he

I was tired and like he said thoroughly sore. Yet

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