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Twisted Desire (Fated Mates)

Chapter 3 CHEATED ON

Word Count: 1115    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

ldn't believe his eyes, his father threw him

the mansion. He halted and looked up at the mansion once more, at the place he grew up in and tears continued to pour down his face. He took a few steps with no clue on where to go

longer Kai, but

in and suffering he went through and sometimes, he asks h

is entire life. He was a beautiful man, that everyone adored so much and wished he was their child. But, if they only knew who his identity was, would they still treat and respect him the way they are supposed to treat him or will they disdain him? He had always hidd

thing he also requested from them. His father says that he doesn't have time for that and the next time, he goes

younger brother treated him like trash, he grew up in a home with no

e was sick or if anything was happening to him. He bet, if he should die today, his parents will rejoice, and not even shed a sing

hat? Well, he had Mike beside him, who loves h

front of him, opened the door and came out of the car and there was Mike. Who ran towards him and hugged him so tightly and Liam tightly hugged hi

e?' He stared at him

iled. "I'm okay, b

r to his face and kissed him on his soft lips Liam also kissed him b

ve been together for months, love. Yo

own at his feet. Mike continued laughing and then, he noticed the look on Liam's face and s

there and closing the booth. He then guided Liam to the front of the car, each of them not saying a word to each other. W

Liam to get inside and that he was going

t went and lay down on the bed, mentally drained and w

turb Liam any further, it was better th

age it,'' Mike said as he touched his shoulder and Liam simply nodded. "Will you like to ea

losing the door. Liam wept himself to sleep and

ut of the room, he wanted to meet Mike and then, he glanced at the lights, that were on in the sitting room and wonde

d were both kissing him at the same time and moaning between themselv

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1 Chapter 1 UNWANTED 2 Chapter 2 UNWANTED(PART TWO)3 Chapter 3 CHEATED ON4 Chapter 4 CHEATED ON(PART TWO)5 Chapter 5 FATED MATES 6 Chapter 6 FATED MATES(PART TWO)7 Chapter 7 IT DIDN’T WORK OUT8 Chapter 8 STUNNED9 Chapter 9 THE ATTACK10 Chapter 10 KEEP IT SILENT11 Chapter 11 GET OUT OF HERE12 Chapter 12 LUST AND NEGLECT 13 Chapter 13 HE NEEDED TO LEAVE14 Chapter 14 DUMBFOUNDED 15 Chapter 15 I LOVE YOU16 Chapter 16 UNREQUITED LOVE17 Chapter 17 PRIVACY 18 Chapter 18 UNREQUITED LUST19 Chapter 19 HOT DESIRE20 Chapter 20 SWEET PLEASURE21 Chapter 21 THE BOND22 Chapter 22 THE REJECTION.23 Chapter 23 WHITE AS SNOW24 Chapter 24 BEING USED25 Chapter 25 WEARY 26 Chapter 26 ADOLPH'S MATE27 Chapter 27 YOUR VOICE28 Chapter 28 DAMAGES 29 Chapter 29 THIS ISN'T FATE30 Chapter 30 LEAVE HIM ALONE31 Chapter 31 THE BOND CAN BE TARNISHED 32 Chapter 32 HE WRECKED MY LIFE33 Chapter 33 HE FELT TERRIBLE 34 Chapter 34 PATHETIC LOSER35 Chapter 35 LEARN TO HAVE SOME RESPECT 36 Chapter 36 MISERABLE37 Chapter 37 GET OUT OF HERE38 Chapter 38 DO IT39 Chapter 39 DEATH IS AROUND THE CORNER40 Chapter 40 LET HIM DO IT41 Chapter 41 DO YOU LOVE HIM42 Chapter 42 WHAT!!43 Chapter 43 UNVEILED 44 Chapter 44 YOU HAVE A WIFE45 Chapter 45 STOP IT46 Chapter 46 BECOME MINE, LIAM47 Chapter 47 YOU ARE MINE48 Chapter 48 I HATE YOU49 Chapter 49 FIGHT FOR NOW 50 Chapter 50 MISSING HIM51 Chapter 51 NEW WORLD 52 Chapter 52 FIRST LOVE53 Chapter 53 ARE YOU IN54 Chapter 54 DON'T GIVE A DAMN55 Chapter 55 DEEP INTO IT56 Chapter 56 ATTRACTION57 Chapter 57 IS IT A CRIME 58 Chapter 58 COLD SHOULDER 59 Chapter 59 WANT YOU 60 Chapter 60 HE'S AN ALPHA