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My little designer

Chapter 3 three: Mine.

Word Count: 1132    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


tect her from having another one. Was it by mistake? An accident? Or did she self harm? My princess won’t harm herself in any way

okay, I had so many papers in the bin that it started to overflow. I stopped

n me and the damn papers. I won’t be able to do a thing for the life of

she asks walking in

say through gritted teeth I don’t w

ear so mad?” she asks

knew Alice since we were children, if she wan

hat is it?” she says

ting so out of control you are

hat I needed to hear that I

Bitch” she say

ay and that’s enough to

st night I saw a bruise on her and now I can’t tak

aunt again” she says, from al

ttle and it’s the whole different

seriously. Probably thinking about w

the whole relation will have

r move in, God, knows yo

say feeling really bad now, the girl

tion you’ll keep her safe until she’s eighteen and then you she

ay, now that I’m thinking about what Alice said she’s right, there’

also take some working on, the good thing is we don’t h

ed another video call, so I can see her face while we talk

iling once her face

lushing a prett

I need you to honest with me”

e on your arm?” I ask and h

eally but I need to

s and I’m not sure if

y” I say and she blushes, she nod her head a lit

hear you say it

she says before hiding her fac

or mommy?” I ask and she nod, she let the tablet on the bed so I’m facin

s positioning th

te down your rules” I say

s Ru

call Rebb

ree meal

tell Mommy

ime is

sweets witho


he day and a video cal

ifts Mommy sen

et hurt or someone hurt

th others, tell a

of these rules tel

I ask and she nods yes, she’ll need t

I understa

ur rules tomorrow no

iwed” she whines in th

u in again” I tell her an

ome back” I order her and she obeys right away, maybe having a

happy and active Lou jumped on the bed few time

I say in my best firm vo

reaten and she stops right away, I might not be there to pu

r cute little voice making my heart me

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