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Professional Mommy#1

Professional Mommy#1


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


NA been altered over the years until we hit the no going back stage. It's not up t

ssive than your brain will make you act as whichever categ

iture, pets, dogs, cats, anything. Their genetic, their brain everythin

any hint of dominance, little would cause accident sinc

, were kinks are dominant, were n

nd out what they are. Most would have guessed at a younger age what their tendencies are, ot

pur, little will get shorter, pets would grow tails and ears to be known as neko, submissi

iculous, some of the most famous CEO around the world are subs, they can take pres

e creative then an adult with a childlike mentality. They

o do the same. It's just what statisti

know their own good. They'll skip the seventeen year old m

at the age of eighteen would be mandatory, skip it and a nice police

gh he's very young in age he became

n a crazy year for him. World tour, fans meet and gre

s were sure that he's a dominant, he had h

classification a big deal, to anouce it t

e'll do a big classification reveal,

e, the fans are going crazy wanting to know what his classification would be and more

, he's being fussy, not liking anyt

finally, the stadiums are ful

last hit, he kept bu

stage and got the official envelop

cameras zooming in with him to

your classification test shows that you ar

umbo screens behind him, Heath the famous

amed and yelled about how stupid littles are and how he

. People are hurt and tons of little hate him now after he called them stupid, most doms won't even al

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